Seminar series

Fall of 2024

Sep 6, Laura Starks, UT Austin


Sep 27, Audra Boone, Texas Christian University


Oct 11, Sean Cao, Maryland


Nov 1, Andrew Y. Chen, Federal Reserve


Nov 22, Eva Steiner, Penn State


Spring of 2024

Feb 2, George Aragon, Arizona State

Paper: Machine-Learning about ESG Preferences: Evidence from Fund Flows, with Shuaiyu Chen

Mar 29, Yue Qiu, Temple (Brown bag)

Paper: Corporate Diversity Culture Spillover, with Xiao Cen and Tracy Yue Wang

Apr 5, Veronika Pool, Vanderbilt

Paper: Contract Evaluation Horizon and Fund Performance, with Jung Hoon Lee, Jayoung Nam, and Feng Zhang

Apr 19, Joan Farre-Mensa, UIC

Paper: The Effects of the QSBS Exemption on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, with Jun Chen

May 3, Jonathan Berk, Stanford

Paper: The Impact of Impact Investing, with Jules H. van Binsbergen

Fall of 2023

Sep 1, Elena Simintzi, UNC Chapel Hill (ZOOM)

Paper: Women in the Financial Sector, with Spyridon Lagaras, Maria-Teresa Marchica, and Margarita Tsoutsoura

Sep 22, William Goetzmann, Yale

Paper: Crash Narratives, with Dasol Kim and Robert J. Shiller

Sep 29, Michael O'Doherty, Missouri at Columbia

Paper: Beyond the Status Quo: A Critical Assessment of Lifecycle Investment Advice, with Aizhan Znarkulova and Scott Cederburg

Oct 6, Mao Ye, Cornell

Paper: When A Market Is Not Legally Defined As A Market: Evidence From Two Types of Dark Trading, with Yunus Topbas

Oct 27, Sterling Yan, Lehigh (Brown bag)

Paper: Responsible Asset Managers, with Ke Shen and Haibei Zhao

Nov 10, Christine Parlour, UC Berkley

Paper: Liquidity fragmentation on decentralized exchanges, with Alfred Lehar and Marius Zoican

Spring of 2023

Feb 3, Loriana Pelizzon, Goethe University Frankfurt

Paper: A Preferred-Habitat Model of Repo Specialness, with RUGGERO JAPPELLI AND MARTI G. SUBRAHMANYAM

Feb 17, Xiaofei Zhao, Georgetown University

Paper: Labor Market Networks, Fundamentals, and Stock Returns, with Joon Woo Bae, Turan G. Bali, and Ali Sharifkhani

March 3, Clemens Sialm, UT Austin

Paper: Mutual Fund Revenue Sharing in 401(k) Plans, with Veronika K. Pool and Irina Stefanescu

April 14, Jacelly Cespedes, Minnesota (ZOOM)

Paper: Strategically Staying Small: Regulatory Avoidance and the CRA, with Jordan Nickerson and Carlos Parra

April 21, Yong Chen, Texas A&M

Paper: Capital Concentration of the Bond Fund Industry and Bond Market Fragility, with Mengqiao Du and Zheng Sun

Fall of 2022

Sep 23, Arthur Korteweg, University of Southern California (Zoom)
Paper: Evaluating Private Equity from an Investor's Perspective, with Stavros Panageas and Anand Systla

Sep 30, Russell Jame, University of Kentucky 

Paper: Confederate Memorials and the Housing Market, with T. Clifton Green, Jaemin Lee, and Jaeyeon Lee

Oct 14, Lu Zheng, University of California Irvine (Zoom)

Paper: Do Mutual Funds Walk the Talk? A Textual Analysis of Risk Disclosure by Mutual Funds, with Jinfei Sheng and Nan Xu

Spring of 2022 (Zoom)

Feb 11, M. Cecilia Bustamante, University of Maryland

Paper: Knowledge Cycles and Corporate Investment, with Julien Cujean and Laurent Fresard

Apr 29, Ashish Tiwari, University of Iowa

Paper: Evaluating Hedge Funds with Machine Learning-Based Benchmarks, with Tengjia Shu

Fall of 2021 (Zoom)

Oct 8, Ke Shen (Brown bag)

Paper: Bond Ownership Structure and Corporate Social Responsibility, with Hye Seung (Grace) Lee, Jesus M. Salas, and Ke Yang

Nov 19, Michael Ewens, Caltech

Paper: Board Dynamics over the Startup Life Cycle, with Nadya Malenko

Dec 3, Michael Gelman, University of Delaware

Paper: Bank Diversification and Lending Resiliency, with Itay Goldstein and Andrew MacKinlay

Dec 10, David Solomon, Boston College

Paper: Predictable Price Pressure, with Samuel M. Hartzmark

Spring of 2021 (Zoom)

Mar 26, Qianqian Yu (Brown bag)

Paper: Strategic Regulatory Non-Compliance: The Case of the Missing Form D, with Kathleen Hanley

Apr 9, Jack He, University of Georgia

Paper: Diffusers of Entrepreneurship, with Sean Cao, Luna Lin, and Shaun Ren

Apr 16, Don Bowen (Brown bag)

Paper: Corporate investment policies and the patent market

May 7, Marcin Kacperczyk, Imperial College

Paper: Firm Commitments, with Patrick Bolton

Fall of 2020 (Zoom)

Nov 4, Xinxin Wang, UCLA

Paper: Investor Tax Credits and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from U.S. States, with Matthew Denes, Sabrina T. Howell, Filippo Mezzanotti, and Ting Xu

Spring of 2020

Feb 21, Alberto Rossi, Maryland

Paper: Who benefits from robo-advising? Evidence from Machine Learning, with Stephen P. Utkus

Fall of 2019

Sep 20, Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham

Paper: Social Capital, Trusting, and Trustworthiness: Evidence from Peer-to-Peer Lending, with Qing He and Haitian Lu

Nov 1, Will Mullins, UC San Diego

Paper: Unconventional Monetary Policy and Banking Lending Relationships, with Christophe Cahn and Anne Duquerroy

Nov 8, Zhi Da, Notre Dame

Paper: Financialization and Commodity Market Serial Dependence, with Ke Tang, Yubo Yao, and Liyan Yang

Spring of 2019

Mar 29, Pradeep Yadav, University of Oklahoma

Paper: TBD

April 12, Suman Banerjee, Stevens Institute of Technology

Paper: TBD

April 26, Xing Huang, Washington University in St. Louis

Paper: Extrapolative Beliefs in the Cross-Section: What Can We Learn from the Crowds?, with Zhi Da and Lawrence J. Jin

May 3, Rabih Moussawi, Villanova University

Paper: Phantom of the Opera: ETF Shorting and Shareholder Voting, with Richard B. Evans, Oğuzhan Karakaş, and Michael Young

Spring of 2018

February 2nd, Ryan Israelsen, Michigan State University

Paper: Who Pays Attention to SEC form 8-K? with Azi Ben-Rephael, Zhi Da, and Peter Easton

February 9th, Gregg Nini, Drexel University

Paper: Congruence in Governance: Evidence from Creditor Monitoring of Corporate Acquisitions, with David Becher and Thomas Griffin

February 16th, Tong Yao, University of Iowa

Paper: Should Corporate Pension Funds Invest in  Risky Assets? With Wei Li and Jie Ying

February 23rd, Tom Chemmanur, Boston College

Paper: Noisy Signalling through Open Market Share Repurchase Programs and Information Production by Institutions, with YingZhen Li, Jing Xie, and Yuyuan Zhu

April 6th, April Knill, Florida State University

Paper: Negation of Sanctions: The Personal Effect of Political Contributions, with Sarah Fulmer and Xiaoyun Yu

May 4th, Jiekun Huang, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Paper: Informing the Market: The Effect of Modern Information Technologies on Information Production, with Meng Gao

Fall of 2017

September 8th, Peter Carr, New York University

Paper: Volatility Smiles and Yield Frowns

October 20th, George Pennachi, UIUC

Paper: Syndicated Loan Risk: The Effects of Covenants and Collateral, with Jianling Dennis Ding

November 3rd, Allan Zebedee, Clarkson University

Paper: Hear me Write: Does CEO Narcissism Affect Firm Value? With Gilberto Marquez-Illescas and Linying Zhou

November 4th, Vikas Agarwal, Georgia State University

Paper: Policy Uncertainty and Household Stock Market  Participation, with Hadiye Aslan and Honglin Ren

Spring of 2017

March 31st, David Cicero, Auburn University

Paper: Local Investors’ Preferences and Capital Structure,  with Binay Adhikari and Johan Sulaeman

April 21st, Stu Gillan, University of Georgia

Paper: Blocks in Stocks and Shocks to Blocks: Evidence on the  Impact of Activist Blockholders on Frim Value, with Lee Cohen.

April 28th, Michelle Lowry, Drexel University

Paper: Mutual Fund Investments in Private Firms, with Sungjoung Kwon and Yiming Qian

Fall of 2016

September 17h, Liang Peng, Pennsylvania State University

Paper: Do Discount Rates Predict Returns? Evidence from Private Commercial Real Estate

October 7th, Pab Jotiskathira, Southern Methodist University

Paper: Heterogeneous Taxes and Limited Risk Sharing: Evidence from Municipal Bonds with Tania Babina, Chotibhak Jotikasthira, Christian Lundblad, and Tarun Ramadorai

November 6th, Bill Wilhelm, University of Virginia

Paper: Investment Banking Relationships: 1933-2007, with Alan Morrison, Aaron Thegeya and  Carola Schenone

November 4th, William (Bill) Elliott, John Carroll Univeristy

Paper: Authorized shares: To limit, or not to limit, that is the question, with Hilmi Songur

Spring of 2016

March 4th, Donald Monk, Rutgers University

Paper: Manufactured Diversification Discount, with John E Hund and Sheri Tice

April 22nd, Bob Parrino, University of Texas

Paper: Uncertainty, prospectus content, and price updates prior to initial public offerings, with Niholas Crain and Raji Srninivasan

Fall of 2015

September 4h, Jennifer Juergens, Drexel University

Paper: Why hire your rival? The case of bank debt underwriting, with David Becher and Rachel Gordon

October 30th, David Dennis, University of Pittsburgh

Paper: Investment, Taxes and Capital Structure: A Study of US Firms in the early 1900s, with Leonce Bargeron and Kenneth Lehn

November 6th, Walter Boudry, Cornell University

Paper: TBA

November 13th, Kristine Hankins, University of Kentucky

Paper: TBA

November 20th, William (Bill) Elliott, John Carroll Univeristy

Paper: TBA.

Spring of 2015

February 27h, Seoyoung Kim, Santa Clara University

Paper: The Design of Structured Finance Vehicles, with Sanjiv Ranjan Das

March 27th, S. P.  Kothari, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Paper: The behavior of aggregate corporate investment, with Jonathan Lewellen and Jerold B Warner.

April 10th, Murali Jagannathan, SUNY Binghamton

Paper: On the Timing of Director Departures, with Srinivasan Krishnamurthy and Joshua Spizman

May 1st, Michael B. Gordy, Federal Reserve Board

Paper: Counterparty risk and counterparty choice in the credit default swap market, with Wenxin Du, Salil Gadgil, and Clara Vega

May 1st, Ron Anderson, Temple University (joint with Economics department)

Paper: TBA

Fall of 2014

September 12th, Rajesh Narayanan, Louisiana State University

Paper: CDS, Empty Creditors, and Distressed Exchanges, with Cihan Uzmanoglu

September 26th, Kathleen Weiss Hanley, University of Maryland

Paper: The JOBS Act and the Costs of Going Public, with Susan Chaplinsky and S. Katie Moon.

October 24th, Xiaoxiao Lou. University of Delaware

Paper: Price Impact or Trading Volume: Why is the Amihud (2002) Illiquidity Measure Priced?, with Tao Shu

November 14th, Bill Mayew, Duke University

Paper: TBA

Spring of 2014

February 7th, Ren-Raw Chen, Fordam University

Paper: On the Geske compound option model when interest rates change randomly—with an application to credit risk modeling.

February 14th, Xiaoxia Lou, University of Delaware

Paper: TBA

February 21st, Paul Borochin, University of Connecticut

Paper: TBA.

March 14th, Kristian Rydqvist, SUNY Binghamton

Paper: Swedish Lottery Bonds

March 28th, Jerome Taillard, Boston College

Paper: Does Risk Management Affect Firm Value? Evidence from a Natural Experiment, with Erik P. Gilje

April 4th, Marios Panayides, University of Pittsburgh

Paper: Informed Trading Before Corporate Events: Theory and Evidence, with Shmuel Baruch and Kumar Venkataraman

Fall of 2013

September 13th, Brent Ambrose, The Pennsylvania State University

Paper: Real Estate Risk and Hedge Fund Returns, with Charles Cao and Walter D’Lima

September 20th, Matthew Billett, Indiana University

Paper: Bank Skin in the Game and Loan Contract Design: Evidence from Covenant-Lite Loans with Redouane Elkamhi, Latchezar Popov and Raunaq S. Pungaliya.

September 27th, Utpal Bhattacharya, Indiana University

Paper: The Dark Side of ETFs and Index Funds, with Benjamin Loos, Steffen Meyer, Andreas Hackethal and Simon Kaesler

November 1st, Chitru S Fernando, University of Oklahoma

Paper: Corporate Environmental Policy and Shareholder Value: Following the Smart Money, with Mark P Sharfman and Vahap B Uysal

November 8th, Diana Knyazeva, University of Rochester

Paper: Employee Rights and Acquisitions, with Kose John and Anzhela Knyazeva

Spring of 2013

February 8th, Amber Anand, Syracuse University

Paper: Should exchanges impose market maker obligations? With Kumar Venkataraman

February 15th, Yung Yu Ma and Anne Anderson brown bag

Paper: Acquisitions in Bankruptcy: 363 sales, plan sales, and fire sales

February 22nd, Frederick Bereskin, University of Delaware

Paper: Disclosure of innovation-related activities: Evidence from corporate philanthropy

March 1st, Rose Liao, Rutgers University

Paper: State capitalism’s global reach: Evidence from foreign acquisitions by state-owned companies. With Andrew Karolyi

March 29th, Xing Zhou, Rutgers University

Paper: Does going public impair Moody’s credit ratings? With Simi Kedia and Shivaram Rajgopal

April 19th, Mark Flannery, University of Florida

Paper: TBA

Fall of 2012

September 7th, An Yan, Fordham University

Paper: Accounting Accruals and Heterogeneous Investor Beliefs with Emma Y. Peng and Meng Yan

September 14th at 9:15 am, Peng (Peter) Liu, Cornell University

Paper: Real Assets, Liquidation Value and Choice of Financing with Crocker Liu and Zhipeng Zhang

September 28th, Louis Ederington, University of Oklahoma

Paper: Bond Event Studies with Wei Guan and Zongfei (Lisa) Yang

October 5th, Anand Vijh, University of Iowa

Paper: Are small firms less vulnerable to overpriced stock offers? With Ke Yang

October 26th, Michael Pagano, Villanova University

Paper: Corruption’s Impact on Liquidity, Investment Flows and Cost of Capital, with Pankaj Jain and Emre Kuvvet

November 9th, Tina Yang, Villanova University

Paper: CEO Duality, Competition, and Firm Performance with Shan Zhao

November 30th, Bing Liang, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Paper: The Role of Hedge Funds in the Security Price Formation Process with Charles Cao, Yong Chen and William Goetzmann

Spring of 2012

February 10th, Leonardo Madureira, Case Western Reserve University

Paper: Analysts’ Industry Expertise

February 24th, Hong Qian, Oakland University

Paper: Investments in IPO stocks

March 2nd, Naveen Daniel, Drexel University

Paper: Board Advising

March 30th, Milena Petrova, Syracuse University

Paper: Determinants of Capital Structure: A Long Term Perspective

Fall of 2011

September 16th, Krista Schwarz, Wharton

Paper: Notes on Bonds: Liquidity at all Costs in the Great Recession, with David Musto and Greg Nini

September 23rd, Simi Kedia, Rutgers University

Paper: Hush Money: The Impact of Rank and File Stock Options on Employee Whistle-Blowing, with Andrew Call and Shivaram Rajgopal

Fall of 2009

September 18th, Indraneel Chakraborty (Wharton)

Paper: Investment and Financing under Reverse Asset Substitution

October 16th, Lalitha Naveen (Temple)

Paper: Co-opted Boards: Costs, Benefits, Causes, and Consequences, with Jeffrey Coles and Naveen Daniel

October 30th, David Reeb (Temple)

Paper: R&D Spending and Capital Structure Decisions: The Influence of Ownership Structure, with Ron Anderson and Augustine Duru