August 6th, 2023, Long Beach, CA, US

2nd Workshop on End-End Customer Journey Optimization



What is this workshop about ?

Nowadays, while most machine learning research on customer journey optimization has focused on short-term success metrics such as click-through rates and optimal ad placement, there has been little consideration given to developing a coherent system for end-to-end customer journey optimization. Such a system would encompass all aspects of the customer experience, from presenting the right product value to the right users, to understanding a user’s likelihood of conversion and long-term value to the platform, as well as their propensity for cross-selling and risk of churning.  

Currently, models and algorithms for customer journey optimization are often developed in isolation, leading to inefficiencies in modeling and data pipelines. Furthermore, the customer is often viewed as a collection of different entities by different organizational departments (such as marketing, sales, and finance), which can lead to additional friction in the customer experience. This workshop seeks to bridge the gap between academic researchers and industrial practitioners who are interested in building holistic solutions for end-to-end customer journey optimization. By fostering collaboration and cross-disciplinary discussion, the workshop aims to accelerate progress in this rapidly evolving field.

For the holistic and long term success of a customer on a platform (Linkedin, NVidia, Noom, Tencent, etc.)- the key is to understand the levers that can help make customers more successful on the platform in the long term by estimating customers’ growth and retention patterns, lifetime value, interest to buy new products, propensity to churn, etc. Also, it is critical to not only predict success/propensities/lifetime but also be able to take the customer to a more successful path on the platform. 

Throughout the user journey and life cycle, there are interesting opportunities for customer optimization.

The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for industrial practitioners to share practical experiences and real-world challenges, while academic researchers can popularize state-of-art research. Collaborative discussions and knowledge sharing between academia and industry can be fostered, and KDD is the perfect venue for this discussion.

Although machine learning approaches have been widely experimented and adopted across organizations to solve various independent problems, time has come to look at these optimizations holistically, remove redundancies and put the customer in the front and center.