Call for Papers &

Poster Instructions

The workshop will provide a concentrated venue for experts in (1) data collection, (2) data curation, and (3) data labeling to not only discuss their latest results, but also to present their positions on the direction of the field. In particular, eliciting insights on how to better align theoretical and empirical endeavors, is a goal we strive for in this workshop.

We solicit submission of research papers in the following areas that adhere to the main themes of the workshop:

  • Active Learning
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Fairness
  • Semi-supervised Learning
  • Heterogeneous machine learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Data Mining
  • Model selection
  • Structured Problems
  • Sequential Decision Processes
  • Kernel Methods

All submissions must adhere to KDD 2019 style format with a 4 page limit including figures. An additional fifth page may be used to contain only cited references and we allow for supplementary material. Please add the supplement in an appendix in the same pdf as the submitted paper in the same style format as the main body and note that there is no page restriction on the supplement. The authors can decide whether to blind their submission.

All accepted papers will present a poster and the best paper will be giving an oral presentation.

Please submit the papers to

Poster Instructions:

The poster size should be at most 4 ft by 4ft and it must follow KDD 2019 Poster Preparation Instructions.

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: June 7, 2019 (EXTENDED DEADLINE)
  • Acceptance decisions: June 18, 2019
  • Camera-ready version: June 28, 2019