
Han Xu.

Han Xu is a Ph.D. student of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University. Before joining MSU, he gained his master’s degree of Applied Statistics in the University of Michigan. His current research interest lies on adversarial attacks and defenses, with their applications on various deep learning tasks. He is one of the main contributors of one PyTorch library about adversarial learning, DeepRobust, which helps researcher who are interested in the field of adversarial learning. Updated information can be found at

Yaxin Li.

Yaxin Li is a Ph.D. student of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University. Her research interests mainly focus on adversarial learning on image classification and graph classification. She is the leader and one of the main contributors of one PyTorch library about adversarial learning, DeepRobust, which helps researchers in this field and gains lots of attention in the community. Updated information can be found at

Wei Jin.

Wei Jin is a Ph.D. student of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University. He works on the area of graph neural network including its theory foundations, model robustness and applications. He is one of main contributors of the adversarial learning repository DeepRobust, where he programs for more than 10 useful algorithms about graph adversarial attacks and defenses. He was a presenter of a tutorial “Graph Neural Networks: Models and Applications” in the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020 that has attracted more than 400 audience.

Jiliang Tang

Jiliang Tang is an assistant professor in the computer science and engineering department at Michigan State University since Fall 2016. Before that, he was a research scientist in Yahoo Research and got his PhD from Arizona State University in 2015. His research interests including social computing, data mining and machine learning and their applications in education. He was the recipients of 2019 NSF Career Award, the 2015 KDD Best Dissertation runner up and 6 best paper awards (or runner-ups) including WSDM2018 and KDD2016. He serves as conference organizers (e.g., KDD, WSDM and SDM) and journal editors (e.g., TKDD). He has published his research in highly ranked journals and top conference proceedings, which received more than 10,000 of citations with h-index 51 and extensive media coverage. More details can be found via