

Disciplinary Focus: accounting and development

Peer-Reviewed Publications (19)

Book Chapter & review (7)

Monograph/Thesis (2)

Technical Reports & Policy Analysis (17+)

ConferenceS & Speaking Engagements (27+)

2022 - Now has not been added

      I.“IMANI’s Engagements with Stakeholders in the Cocoa Sector” at Parliament and Tema Free Zone Enclave

     II.“IMANI Engagements: Meetings with the H.E the Vice-President of Ghana and The Manifesto Team of the NDC” at The Flagstaff House and also with the manifesto committee of the National Democratic Congress (NDC)

    III.“iMANIFESTO 2019 – A Report Card on The Delivery of the NPP Government’s Manifesto” presentation of methodology to the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Monitoring and Evaluation

      I."Manifesto Tracker: Agric Sector Debate - PM Express on Joy News (28-10-20)", Joy News TV (28th October 2020)

      II."The Super Morning Show with Kojo Yankson – National Security", Joy News Radio (27th October 2020)

      III."Manifesto Tracker the Economy and Jobs Debate - PM Express (23-9-20)", Joy News TV (23rd September 2020)