King Carl Tornam DUHO, ACMA, CGMA, CA

BSc. Admin, MPhil Accounting

Accounting & Global Development Consultant

King Carl Tornam Duho, ACMA CGMA CA has more than 10 years of experience in the private sector, public sector, academia and the think tank space. He is the founder of the Dataking Research Lab of Dataking Consulting, a youth-led social impact enterprise driving analytical firepower for socio-economic development in Africa. He is also a Youth Fellow with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He consulted for UNICEF, UNDP, GIZ, AERC, Oxfam, the Royal Netherlands Embassy, INASP, Plan International, and was an ex-UNCTAD Intern.

King has led national-level research and policy assignments as an academic and public policy analyst in Ghana and other Global South countries. He was awarded the best reviewer during the Academy of International Business (AIB) Africa 2019 conference. He presented policy outputs multiple times to the Parliament of Ghana, the manifesto committees of the major political parties, and the economic management team of the country. Some of his policy work has been used to develop national policies while he was involved in drafting some of the national policies.

King has presented at international conferences in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. King has published and reviewed for reputable journals like the Journal of Economic Studies, Corporate Governance, Journal of Financial Crime, and International Journal of Managerial Finance, Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, among others. His op-ed articles appeared in The China Global South Project, The World Financial Review, and International Policy Digest, GlobalDev Blog, among others.

My research has also been referenced by the Deutsche Bundesbank, The Africa Report, UNECA, and FAO, among others.