
Stochastic Subsurface Hydrology Research Laboratory

Kuo-Chin Hsu


Department of Resources Engineering

National Cheng Kung University

No. 1, University Rd., Tainan, 70101, TAIWAN.

Phone: +886-6-275-7575 ext 62837

Fax: +886-6-238-0421

Email: kchsu@mail.ncku.edu.tw

Researcher Profiles


  • Ph.D., Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 1996

  • M.S., Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,1987

  • B. S., Soiland Water Conservation, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan,1985

Major Academic Positions

  • Professor, 2011-present, Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

  • Department Chair, 2018-2021, Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

  • Associate Professor, 2004-2011, Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

  • Assistant Professor, 2000-2004, Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

  • Numerical Modeler/ Senior Hydrologist, 1996-2000, Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc. 2000


  • Associate Editor, Hydrogeology Journal, (2011–2015)

  • Associate Editor, GroundWater, (2011–2014)

  • AssociateEditor, Review of Geophysics, (2006–2009)


  • 2014, Outstanding research Teacher, Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

  • 2006, Outstanding Teacher, Mining and Resources Technology Foundation, National Cheng Kung University

  • 2004, Outstanding Teacher, Mining and Resources Technology Foundation, National Cheng Kung University

  • 2004, Outstanding Teacher, Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

  • 2003, Outstanding Teacher, Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University


  • 2019, Outstanding paper, 11th Groundwater Resources and Water Protection Conference, Taiwan.

  • 2018, Outstanding paper (*2), 10th Groundwater Resources and Water Protection Conference, Taiwan.

  • 2017, Outstanding paper, 3rd Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan, Taiwan.

  • 2016, Outstanding paper, 9th Groundwater Resources and Water Protection Conference, Taiwan.

  • 2015, Outstanding paper, 22th Hydraulic engineering and 2015 Climate Change Conference, Taiwan.

  • 2009, Outstanding paper, 21th Soil and Groundwater Conference, Taiwan.

  • 2007, Outstanding paper, 19th Soil and Groundwater Conference, Taiwan.

  • 2005, Outstanding paper, 2th Resources Engineering Conference, Taiwan.

  • 2004, Outstanding paper, 14th Hydraulic Engineering Conference, Taiwan.

  • 2001, Outstanding paper, 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference, Taiwan.

Employment Graduated Students

NCU Faculty, CPC Corporation, Formosa Plastics Group, Taiwan Cement, Taiwan Power Company, TSMC, UMC,

SETL, Sinotech, Construction industry, Disaster Prevention Research Center, Government department,

Royal Dutch Shell Plc

Journal Reviewer

  • Advances in Water Resources

  • Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

  • Environmental Toxicology

  • Geoderma Journal

  • Hydrological Processes

  • Hydrogeology Journal

  • International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR)

  • Journal of Hydrology

  • Journal of Mechanics

  • Journal of Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (SERRA)

  • Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers

  • Journal of Terrestrial, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science

  • Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

  • Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste

  • Reviews of Geophysics

  • Water Resources Research (WRR)