Projects for Products

Product Design understanding is a valuable skill in the industry. It goes beyond the basic specification of the Project.

The projects from King Consulting and Innovation Labs (KCIL) will emphasize on the aspects needed in the product in the project phase. The students will enjoy the project.

Design Scope

The scope of the projects will be within the broad areas of

Sensor Systems for Internet of Things

Healthcare and Biomedical

Green Systems and Green Technology

The design scope was designed and developed by Dr. G. S. Javed, Founder, KCIL during his doctoral work at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

He has published 10+ papers (Google Scholar)in the above areas and has shown proof-of-concept (PoC).

Designed and Developed by

Dr. G. S. Javed

Founder, King Consultants - Education and KCIL.