Hi! I am a research associate affiliated with the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. I graduated from MIT with a PhD in linguistics and then spent some time in the Department of English Language and Literature at NUS and at the Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS). I work on syntax and its interfaces. I am particularly interested in the nature of syntactic locality, and how much non-syntactic information the syntax may make reference to.
Papers and manuscripts
The direction of Agree: arguments from the location of φ-agreement morphemes. Accepted w/ revs. Syntax
A command-theoretic approach to prosodic smothering. 2024. Syntax.
Anti-pied-piping. To appear. Language. with Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine.
Domains for ordering. 2023. JEAL.
Ā-probing for the closest DP. 2022. with Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine. Linguistic Inquiry.
Locality and minimal search. To appear in the Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism. with Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine.
Revisiting the form of negation in Pangasinan. with Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine and Joey Lim. Oceanic Linguistics, 2022.
Locality and anti-locality: the logic of conflicting requirements. 2022. LI.
Licensing with Case: evidence from Kikuyu. 2021. NLLT.
Relationship Preservation. MIT, 2018.
The Left Edge Ban: a prosodic requirement governing stress patterns and word order. Under contract with OUP.
Paths: the ghosts of features past. Submitted. with Elise Newman.
An argument for fell-swoop movement in highest subject questions in English. Submitted.
Selective specifiers and the encoding of linguistic properties. Submitted.
Binding reconstruction and two modes of copy-chain interpretation. Proceedings of the LSA 2021, 2021. with Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine.
Pronominal paradigms in two varieties of English. Proceedings of WCCFL 38, 2020. with Keely New.
The Left Edge Ban: a constraint restricting stress placement and possible word orders. Proceedings of NELS 50, 2020.
A prosodic restriction affecting stress and word order. Proceedings of GLOW in ASIA XII, 2020.
Resolving conflicts between locality and anti-locality: evidence from Luganda and Haya. Proceedings of the LSA 2019, 2019.
Agreement and Unlocking at the Edge. Proceedings of the LSA 2019, 2019. with Colin Davis.
In Bùlì, wh-in-situ licenses parasitic gaps. Proceedings of WCCFL 36, to appear. with Abdul-Razak Sulemana.
Edges and Unlocking: Evidence from Chichewa. Proceedings of ACAL 49, submitted. with Colin Davis.
The ι-boundedness of A-scrambling. Proceedings of WAFL 13, 2018.
Dependent Case as a licenser in Kikuyu. Proceedings of NELS 47, 2017.
In-situ Wh-phrases in Superiority Violating Contexts don’t have to be In-Situ. In A Pesky Set: Papers for David Pesetsky, MITWPL, 2017.
Case Sensitive Ā-movement. Proceedings of NELS 46, 2016.