
Refereed Publications

The refereed publications are divided into three sections of 

(a) Stochastic analysis in PDE, (b) Harmonic analysis in PDE, (c) Mathematical Biology. 

They are all listed in counter-chronological order. (* indicates a graduate student at the time of submission and ** indicates an undergraduate student at the time of submission). At the end, there is (d) Posted only on ArXiv (submitted or unsubmitted) and (e) Ph.D. Thesis.

(a) Stochastic analysis in PDE

The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in Stochastic Analysis and Applications, February 26, 2019, 10.1080/07362994.2019.1575237.

The final publication is available at

K. Yamazaki, Stoch. Anal. Appl., 34 (2016), pp. 404--426.

(b) Harmonic analysis in PDE

(c) Mathematical Biology

(d) Posted only on ArXiv (submitted or unsubmitted)

(e) Ph.D. Thesis