Curriculum Vitae

Kazuo Mino

June 20, 2024

Kyoto Institute of Economic Research

Kyoto University

Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku

Kyoto, 606-0062 JAPAN


Doctor in Economics, Kobe University, 1989

Ph.D. Economics, Brown University, 1984

MA. Economics, Kobe University, 1975

BA. Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University, 1973

Areas of Concentration

Macroeconomic theory, Economic growth, Monetary theory

Teaching Areas

Undergraduate: macroeconomics, microeconomics, economic growth, mathematics for economists

Graduate: macroeconomic theory. economic growth, monetary theory, dynamic optimization


April 2015 - present: Specially Appointed Professor, Professor Emeritus, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University  

April 2016 - March 2020: Professor, Department of Economics, Doshisha University

April 2009 -March 2015: Professor, Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University

April 2004 - March 2009: Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University

April 1996 - March 2004: Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University

April 1991 - March 1996: Professor, Faculty of Economics, Tohoku University

April 1984 - March 1991: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Hiroshima University

March1978 - March 1984: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Hiroshima University

Visiting Positions

Visiting Professor September 2015 - March 2016, Department of Economics Doshisha University

April 2008 - March 2009, Visiting Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University

April 2011 - September 2011, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Ritsumeikan University

September 1996 - May 1997: Research Scientist, Stern School of Business, New York University

January 1987 - August 1987: Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Georgia University

Professional Activities

2018 - present: Associate Editor, International Journal of Economic Theory

April 2013-present, Managing Editor, Advances in Japanese Business and Economics, Springer

2009 - 2015, Associate Editor, Mathematical Social Sciences

2009-2011: Editor, Japanese Economic Review

2004 - 2008: Coeditor, Japanese Economic Review

1998 -2015: Editorial Board Member, Journal of Macroeconomics

1992 - 2005: Research Associate, The Center for Japan-US Business and Economic Studies, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University

2015 - 2016, President, Japanese Economic Association

2014 0- 2015, Vice President , Japanese Economic Association

Publications: Articles in English

"Pension Reforms, Population Aging, and Retirement Decision of the Elderly in a Neoclassical Growth Model" (with Makoto Hirono)  Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol.27, No.2, 2023

"Long-run Consequences of Population Decline in an Economy with Exhaustible Natural Resources" ((with Hiroaki Sasaki) ,  Economic Modelling, Vol.121, 2023

"On the Distribution of Income and Wealth in a Growing Economy with Endogenous Labor Suppl, forthcoming ,Economics Bulletin,, Vol.43, No.1, 2023

"Productive Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: A Heterogeneous-Agents Approach," (with Ryo Arawatari and Takeo Hori), Journal of Macroeconomics , Vol.75, 2023

Economic Growth and Structural Change: The Case of India", in The Cultural Basis of Economic Growth in India, edited by Kazuo Mino and Tadashi Yagi, Springer-Nature, 2022 

"Income Taxation Rules and Stability of a Small Open Economy," (with Been-Lon Chen and Yunfang Hu), forthcoming in Journal of Macroeconomics, 2021.

"On the Nonlinear Relationship between Inflation and Growth: A Theoretical Exposition," (with Ryo Arawatari and Takeo Hori), Journal of Monetary Economics 94, 79-93, 2018

"Fiscal Policy in a Growing Economy with Financial Frictions and Firm Heterogeneity," Japanese Economic Review 67, 3-3-, 2016.

"Time Preference and Income Convergence in a Dynamic Hecksher-Ohlin Model," (with Taketo Kawagishi), Review of International Economics 24, 592-603, 2016.

"Heterogeneous Conformism and Wealth Distribution in a Neoclassical Growth Model," (with Yasuhiro Nakamoto), Economic Theory 62, 6989-717, 2016

"Welfare Implications and Equilibrium Indeterminacy in a Two-Sector Growth Model with Consumption Externalities," (with Been-Lon Chen and Yu-Shan Hsu), Macroeconomic Dynamics 19, 535-577, 2015

"Conformism and Structural Change" (with Takeo Hori and Masako Ikefuji), International Economic Review 56, 939-961, 2015

A Simple Model of Endogenous Growth with Financial Frictions and Firm Heterogeneity", Economics Letters 127, 20-23, 2014

"Capital Accumulation and Structural Change in a Small-Open economy" (with Yunfang Hu), Paci…c Economic Review 19, 634-656, 2014

"Can Consumption Habit Spillovers be a Source of Equilibrium Indeterminacy?", (with Been-Lon Chen and Yu-Shan Hsu), Journal of Economics 109, 245-269, 2013.

”Trade Structure and Belief-Driven Fluctuations in a Global Economy" (with Yunfang Hu), Journal of International Economics 90, 214-224, 2013.

" Time Preference and Long-Run Growth: the Role of Patience Capital", (with Taketo Kawagishi), Economics Bulletin 32 (4, 3243-3249. 2012.

Consumption Externalities and Equilibrium Dynamics with Heterogenous Agents"(with Yasuhiro Nakamoto), Mathematical Social Sciences 64, 225-233. 2012.

"A Dynamic Model of Conflict and Appropriation" (with Wolfgang Eggerd and Junichi Itaya) , Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 78, 167-182, 2011.

"Long-Run Impacts of Inflation Tax in the Presence of Maintenance Expenditures" (with Seiya Fujisaki), Economics Bulletin, Vol.30, No.1, 808-816 2010.

"Long-Run Impacts of Inflation Tax in the Presence of Multiple Capital Goods, (with Seiya Fujisaki), Economics Bulletin Vol. 29, No.3, 1649-1657, 2009.

"A Variety Expansion Model of Growth with External Habit Formation" (with Junko Doi ), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32, 3055-3083, 2008

"Equilibrium Dynamics in Discrete-Time Endogenous Growth Models with Social Constant Returns " (with Kazuo Nishimura, Koji Shimomura and Ping Wang), Economic Theory 34, 1-23, 2008.

"Preference Structure and Volatility in a Financially Integrated World", in International Trade and Economic Dynamics: Essays in Memory Koji Shimomura, edited by Tadashi Kamihigashi and Laixum Zhao, Springer, 323-341, 2008

"Tax Incidence in Dynamic Economies with Externalities and Endogenous Labor Supply" (with Daisuke Amano and Jun-ichi Itaya), in International Trade and Economic Growth: Essays in Memory of Koji Shimomura, edited by Tadashi Kamihigashi and Laixum Zhao, Springer, 361-382, 2008.

"Growth and Bubbles with Consumption Externalities", Japanese Economic Review 59, 33-53, 2008.

"Preference, Technology and the Growth E¤ect of Money Supply" (with Jun-ichiItaya), Macroeconomic Dynamics 11, 589-612, 2007.

"Generalized Taylor Rule and Determinacy of Growth Equilibrium" (with Seiya Fujisaki), Economics Bulletin 2007.

"Voracity vs. Scale E¤ect in a Growing Economy without Secure Property Rights", Economics Letters 2006.

"Technological Spillovers and Patterns of Growth with Sector-Speci…c R&D" (with Junko Doi), Journal of Macroeconomics 27, 557-578, 2005.

"Occupational Choice and Dynamic Indeterminacy" (with Koji Shimomura and Ping Wang), Review of Economic Dynamics 8, No.1. 138-153, 2005.

"Schooling, Working Experiences, and Human Capital Formation" (with Yunfang Hu), Economics Bulletin, Vol.15, No3, 1-8 2005.

"Human Capital Formation and Patterns of Growth with Multiple Equilibria" in Human Capital, Trade and Public Policy in Rapidly Growing Economies edited by M.Boldrin, Been-Lon Chen and P. Wang, Elger, 2004.

"Weitzman’s Rule with Market Distortions", Japan and the World Economy 16; 307-329, 2004.

"Interest-Rate Rule and Multiple Equilibria with Endogenous Growth" (with Jun-ichi Itaya), Economics Bulletin, Vol. 5, No.1, 1-8, 2004.

"Inflation, Transaction Costs and Indeterminacy in Monetary Economies with Endogenous Growth" (with Jun-ichi Itaya), Economica 70, 1-20, 2003.

"Monetary Expansion and Converging Speed in a Growing Economy," in Economic Theory, Dynamics and Markets: Essays in Honer, edited by Takashi Negishi, `Kazuo Mino and Rama Ramachandaran, Kluwer, 2002.

"Growth and Welfare E¤ects of Monetary Expansion in an Overlapping Generations Economy", (with Akihisa Shibata) Japanese Economic Review 51; 407-430, 2001

"Indeterminacy and Endogenous Growth with Social Constant Returns", Journal of Economic Theory 97, 203-222, 2001.

”Optimal Taxation in Dynamic Economies under Increasing Returns”, Japan and the World Economy 13; 235-253, 2001.

"Indeterminacy in Two-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth with Leisure”, Mathematical Analysis of Economy (Lectures on Mathematical Science No. 165), 2000.

"Non-separable Utility Function and Indeterminacy of Equilibrium in a Model with Human Capital”, Economics Letters 67, 311-317, 1999.

"Technological Gap and Economic Growth under Increasing Returns”, in Global Integration and Competition edited by, Ryuzo Sato, Rama Ramachandran and Kazuo Mino, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.

"Long-Run E¤ects of Monetary Expansion in a Two-Sector Model of Endogenous Growth”, Journal of Macroeconomics.19, No.4, 1998.

“International Technological Spillovers and Capital Mobility in a Two-Country Model of Economic Growth”in Competition, Coordination, and Equity: Perspectives on the Japanese Economy edited by R.Sato, H. Hori, and R.Ramachandran, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.

"Analysis of a Two-Sector Model of Endogenous Growth with Capital Income Taxation,"" International Economic Review Vol.37, No.1, 1996.

“Public Capital and Patterns of Growth in the Presence of Threshold Externalities (with Koichi Futagami), Journal of Economics 1995.

"Monetary Policy, Overlapping Generations, and Patterns of Growth", (with Akihisa Shibata) Economica Vol.62, No.246, 1995.

"Threshold Externalities and Cyclical Growth in a Stylized Model of Capital Accumulation" (with Koichi Futagami), Economics Letters Vol.41, No.2, 1993.

"Reputational Constraint and Signalling E¤ects in a Monetary Policy Game”, (with Shun-ichi Tsutsui), Oxford Economic Papers Vol. 42, No.4,1990.

"Nonlinear Strategy in a Duopolistic Game with Sticky Price”, (with Shun-ichi Tsutsui), Journal of Economic Theory Vol.52, No.1, 1990.

"Icome Taxation and Endogenous Growth”, Economics Letters vol.29, No.2, 1989.

“Implications of Endogenous Money Supply Rules in Dynamic Models with Perfect Foresight”, Journal of Macroeconomics Vol.11, No.2, 1989.

"The Long-Run E¤ects of Income Taxation under Endogenous Technical Progress Economics Letters Vol.27, No.3, 1988.

"Stabilization E¤ect of EndogenousMoney Supply in a Descriptive Neoclassical Growth Model”, Journal of Macroeconomics Vol.10, No.1, 1987.

"A Model of Investment with External Adjustment Costs”, Economic Studies Quarterly, Vol. 28, No.1, 1987.

"Optimality, Credibility, and Time Consistency: Alternative Solutions for Dynamic Policy Games”, Hiroshima University Economic Review, Vol.10, No.2, 1986.

"A Note on Dynamic Duality”, Hiroshima University Economic Review, Vol.9, No.2. 1986.

"On the Homogeneity of Value Function of Optimal Control Problems”, Economics Letters Vol.11, No.1, 1983.

"The Wage-Price Frontier and the Consumption Possibility Frontier in a Monopolistic Economy”, Hiroshima University Economic Review, Vol.3, No.2, 1979.

Articles in Japanese

"Fiscal Policy and Capital Accumulation in the Presence of Consumption Externalities", Hiroshima University Economic Review 2008

"Inflation and Economic Growth in the Presence of Consumption Externalities", Kokumin Keizai Zasshi 2008.

"Growth, Bubbles and Consumption Externalities", Gendai Keizaigaku no Chouryu (Current Trends in Economics) Toyo Keizai Shinpo Sha, 2007.

"Indeterminacy in Growth Models", in Nonlinear Equilibrium Dynamics: Indeterminacy and Complexity, edited by Shin-ichi Fukuda and Kazuo Nishimura, Tokyo University Press, 2004.

"Macroeconomic Dynamics and Indeterminacy of Equilibrium: A Survey", Kikumi Keizai Zasshi, 2003.

"In‡ation, Growth and the Speed of Convergence", Kokumin Keizai Zasshi, 2001.

"On the Speeds of Convergence of Growth Models", Kokumi Keizai Zasshi, 2000.

"Macroeconomic Dynamics: An Overview", Hiroshima University Economic Review, Vol.15, No.2, 1991.

"Economic Growth and Structural Unemployment", Kokumin Keizai Zasshi, 1998.

"Optimal Control of Economic Systems and the Time-Consistency Problem II", Hiroshima University Economic Review, Vol.9, No.1, 1986.

"Optimal Control of Economic Systems and the Time-Consistency Problem I", Hiroshima University Economic Review, Vol. 8, No.2, 1985.

"Market Structure and Income Distribution", Hiroshima University Economics Annual, Vol.5, 1984.

"Expectations Formation, Price Adjustment and the Stability of Dynamic Systems", Hiroshima University Economic Review, Vol.3, No.4, 1980.

"A Note on the Quasi Equilibrium in the Keynesian System", Hiroshima University Economic Review, Vol.3, No.1, 1979.

"A Long-Run Analysis of Wage-Price Spiral", Economic Studies Quarterly 29, No.1, 1978.

"Imperfect Market and Money: A Survey" (with Takayoshi Kitaoka) Hiroshima University Economic Review 2, No.1 1978.

"Prices, the Rate of Pro…t, and the Equilibrium Growth", Hiroshima University Economic Review, Vol1, No2. 1977.

"On Cyclical Growth: A Harrodian Approach" Hiroshima University Economic Review, Vol.1, No.1, 1977.

Edited volumes

Global Integration and Competition (with Ryuzo Sato and Rama Ramachandran), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.

Market, Dynamics and Economic Theory: Essays in Honor of Ryuzo Sato, (with Rama Ramachandran) Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

The Cultural Basis of Economic Growth in India  (edited with Tadashi Yagi),  Springer-Nature ,2022


Studies in Macroeconomic Dynamics, Hiroshima University (in Japanese)

Translation Mikuro Keizai Bunseki (the Japanese edition of Hal Varian's Microeconomic Analysis

2nd Edition, Norton 1984), translated with Ryuzo Sato, Keiso Shobou Publishing

Recent Working Papers

"Population Aging and Income Inequality in a Semi-Endogenous Growth Model" (with Hiroaki Sasaki), KIER  Discussion Paper No.1096, 2023

"A Heterogeneous Firm Model of Trade and Growth with Cpountry-Specific  Credit Constraints" (with Ryoji Ohdoi and Yunfang Hu) , KIER Discussion Paper No.1095, 2023

"Effects of Declining Population on Economic Growth with Exhaustible Resources and Hotelling's Rule" (with Hiroaki Sasaki) 2021

"Capital Allocation and Wealth Distribution in a Global Economy with Financial Frictions," (with Been-Lon Chen and Yunfang Hu), 2020

"Pension Reforms, Population Aging and Retirement Decision of the Elderly in a Neoclassical Growth Model," (with Makoto Hirono), 2020 (forthcoming in Macroeconomic Dynamics)

"Does Ninlinear Txation Sabilize Small Open Economies?," (with Been-Lon Chen and Yunfang Hu), KIER Working Paper 997, "Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research.

"Sunspot-Driven Business Cycles: An Overview," KIER Working {Paper 973, Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research

Teaching Experiences


Introductory Economics: Tohoku University, Kobe University

Intermediate Microeconomics: Tohoku University, Kobe University

Intermediate Macroeconomics: Hiroshima University, Kobe University, Osaka University, University of Goergia

Mathematics for Economists: Hisoshima University, Kobe University, Tohoku University

Introduction to Optimization: Hiroshima University, Tohoku Univerisity, Kobe University, Osaka University

Economic Growth: Hiroshima University, Tohoku University

Macroeconomic Dynamics: Hiroshima University, Kobe University


Core Macroeconomics: Kobe Univerity, Osaka University, Kyoto University, of Georgia

Core Microeconomics: Kobe University

Monetary Theory: Kobe University, Osaka University

Growth Theory: Hiroshima University, Osaka University

Dynamic Optimization: Hiroshima University, Kobe University, Tohoku University

Macroeconomic Dynamics: Hiroshima University, Tohoku University, Kobe University, Kyoto University

The Japanese Economy: New York University

Refereeing Services

Australian Economic Papers

 Canadian Journal of Economics

 Economic Journal,


 Economics Bulletin

Economic Inquiry

 Economic Modelling,

Economic Theory

European Economic Review

Japanese Economic Review,

Japan and the World Economy

Journal of Economic Theory

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

 Journal of Economics and Finance

Journal of Economics

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

Journal of Economic Growth,

Journal of International Economics

Journal of International Trade & Economic Development,

Journal of Macroeconomics,

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

 Journal of Public Economic Theory,

International Economic Review

International Journal of Economic Theory

Macroeconomic Dynamics


Review of International Economics

Scandinavian Journal of Economics

Southern Economic Journal

Osaka City University Economic Review

Hitotsubashi University Keizai Kenkyu

Kobe University Kokumin Keizai Zasshi.