Prıvacy Polıcy - FNF Nıght Funkın Mod Test


Last updated: 24 June 2022

This Privacy Policy explains how your personal data is collected and processed by Kaze Games (“us”, “we”, or “our”) when you use any mobile application FNF Night Funkin Mod Test application published by Kaze Games developer in Google Play Store.

This Privacy Policy is in full compliance with the GDPR in EU, COPPA in the US.

We update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of the policy and, depending on the specific changes, we will provide you with additional notice or require a renewed consent. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy whenever you access our apps to stay informed about how we process your personal data and how you can protect your privacy.

Information Collection and Use

We do not collect or share any Personal Information from and about you, which is the type of information that specifically identifies you personally and/or can be used alone to contact you online or offline, such as your full name, physical address, email address, telephone number, photograph, precise geolocation information, credit card information and user names.

The app does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you.

Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app

Personal Information we Use

To provide children (as this term is construed under GDPR in EU, COPPA in the US and relevant applicable legislation in other jurisdictions) with reasonable contextual advertisements in the app.

To provide non-child users that have given us consent to share their advertising IDs with our ad network partners (as further specified under Sharing of Information) for the purpose of serving them with personalized advertisement in the app (behavioral advertising / targeted advertising).

Non-personal Information we use

  • to monitor and analyze general statistics about distribution of the app: audience, countries, devices, installs and sessions amounts, and maintain and develop the app based on this experience;

  • to monitor and analyze trends, usage and activities in connection with the app;

Company Name

Kaze Games


Any questions about the privacy policy can be directed to: