Kay Robbins for School Board

Experience and dedication make me uniquely qualified to run for re-election to the Sheboygan School Board. As a parent, teacher, grandparent, and current school board member, I have had a variety of opportunities to participate in multiple facets of the Sheboygan Area School District. Almost 40 years of being a classroom teacher brings one perspective. I’m also the mother of four, one of whom is a teacher, and a grandparent of three, which gives me personal insight into current issues in education. As an incumbent I know the workings of the Board and have background on the current issues the Board is working on. I look forward to continuing this important work.

As current chair of the Board’s Curriculum and Instruction Committee, I advocate using accurate, evidence-based curricula in all areas, including human growth and development. All of our students should see themselves and their families depicted with respect in our curricula. All students benefit from having current scientifically based instructional material.

Starting with our amazing Early Learning Center, all the way through a variety of high school options, the SASD offers more choices to help students succeed than any other district in the county. These include instruction in four world languages, the house construction project, the ASPIRE program through age 21, dual credit and AP courses, strong arts programming, charter schools, and a wide variety of co-curricular activities. We continue to meet the challenges we’re presented with while building on our strengths. If you visit any of our schools, you will be impressed.

One of the greatest challenges facing Sheboygan schools is helping all of our students make substantial progress in the wake of the pandemic. As a Board member I would vote to continue smaller class sizes in our elementary schools and try to increase participation in our summer school program. Secondly the achievement gap that exists with our students of color needs to be closed. I would move to provide additional funding for supplemental services to assist the students for whom this gap is most evident. It’s also important to support and retain our staff. The last few years have been especially hard for our educators, and we need to send the message that we appreciate and respect them and the work they do. Lastly, we need to continue to support the mental health needs of our students. We keep trying to fill vacancies in this area, but it is hard. I would advocate putting pressure on the State to break through the licensing backlog and continue networking with community resources.

I will continue to listen carefully to all stakeholders in the school district including students, staff, parents, and community members. I will be cognizant of and respectful toward a variety of opinions.