Simulation Comparison of the LF-BCB and Mixed BCB-DB Control Strategies

Download files and run "Convergence.m" in Matlab to simulate a team of 8 agents achieving a desired rectangular formation under the LF-BCB and our proposed control strategies. Feel free to change the initial conditions. Run "Disturbance.m" in Matlab to simulate the effect of an additive disturbance on the desired formation under the LF-BCB and our proposed control strategies. Feel free to change the disturbance value/magnitude in the code. To test a different desired formation and design the corresponding control gains see our previous work (code available):

K. Fathian, T. H. Summers, N. R. Gans, "Robust Distributed Formation Control of Agents with Higher-Order Dynamics," IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2018.

This package is tested in a MATLAB R2017b, 64-bit, Windows 7 platform.

You can download the files individually from the Google Drive folder (below), or you can download all files in the .zip format directly from here.

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