Formation Control under Arbitrarily Changing Topology

Here you can download and test the Matlab implementation of the formation control algorithm for 2D formations with arbitrarily changing topology.

Note that you need to download and install CVX before you can run the code. CVX is available for free at

Run the .m files to see how 4 agents can achieve a desired formation while the sensing topology among them changes randomly. Feel free to change the desired formation, initial positions, or switching times. With some minor change you should be able to extend the demo to higher number of agents. The algorithm that finds the stabilizing gains is called 'DynamicWeightDesign.m' as is located in the Helpers folder. This algorithm should work for any number of agents and sensing typologies.

More details can be found in the paper "Distributed Formation Control Under Arbitrarily Changing Topology", which is available here. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.