
Modiolus kurilensis Bernard, 1983




生態:主に潮下帯で付着生活を送る。しばしば群れを作り、互いの足糸で絡み合う(Selin 2018a, b)。子はプランクトンとして生まれ、沿海地方では7–9月にみられる(Semenikhina et al. 2008)。低緯度ほど寿命と最大サイズが増加する傾向を示す (Selin et al. 1991)。

2019年6月 山上


  1. Selin N.I., Yu G.A. & Buyanovskij A.I. 1991 Local and latitudinal linear growth variability of the bivalve Modiolus kurilensis. Biologiya Morya, 3: 45–54.

  2. Semenikhina, O. Y., Kolotukhina, N. K. & Evseev, G. A. 2008. Morphology of larvae of the family Mytilidae (Bivalvia) from the north-western part of the Sea of Japan. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 88: 331–339.

  3. Selin, N. I. 2018a. The composition and structure of a mixed population of Crenomytilus grayanus (Dunker, 1853) and Modiolus kurilensis (Bernard, 1983)(Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 44: 363–372.

  4. Selin, N. I. 2018b. Ontogenetic Variation in the Byssal Attachment Strength of Modiolus kurilensis Bernard, 1983 (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in Connection with Spatial Organization in Druses. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 44: 496–499.