
The Process

I decided to do this piece because Mythology is one of my favorite things. My story with this piece is Hades heart changed, Persephone made him make a tree for the good souls to be put to rest instead of the normal lake of souls, though he is bitter his love for her was greater he than made is a beautiful pomegranate tree, when one of the pomegranates fall he will then give that to Persephone to purpose and make a pact that she can take care of spiring but be home with him in the underworld. 

Example: I started this project by planning in my sketchbook and then began to draw it on the canvas. I started off with a under painting with the basic of what I want it to look like and just to map all my details. I then began to start the background to get to my main focus of the painting (The Tree). I then began painting the tree trunk with mixing colors with brown. I then began overlaying the leaves and for detail added a pomegranate from the story of Hades and Persephone. I felt that the tree didn't have enough detail or value and that is when I added the leaves to give it value and depth.  

Connecting the Capstone

My project is about Mythology that love can change someone for the better and expand the heart to new heights. I chose to do this because mythology is one of my passions and one of the common things in may painting's is about one growing and being the best they can be. This paining connects to Greek culture Greek Mythology is very life learning all tales have something to learn from and my piece though it may not be in the Mythology it represents a lesson. I want my viewer's to see  that the after life can be beautiful. 

Art Classes and Education

I took art classes since my Freshman year in those years I learned the seven Principles of art and how to use them and explored them. I learned to ask for help and its okay to not be the best at a certain media. I learned to have confidence in my art. All these things I learned help me in the real world by showing me expressing your passions is important its beneficial even to make statements in protest and more. I plan to continue to do art in community college and just keep learning more from it. 

Future Changes

 In the future if I were to make another like this I would change the background pillars and take more time on them and add some things that I missed to do in the original. I would make a more detailed background even if its not the main focus I still want them to be able to see more to it.