
"Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda

Find below my university commitments.


Who we are

"We are PhD students in Economics, some of us are “rare voices”, others are not. We all believe that our profession could do better both in terms of individual experience and productivity via better allocation of talents. Creating a safe space for diverse voices to express themselves can benefit everybody. Our mission is to keep this discussion open and advocate for change at the institutional level." Find more here!

My role


Who we are

"The Grand Challenges Blog @ HEC Lausanne disseminates research findings and promotes informed public debate with the aim of anchoring science in the best service to planet and society. The Blog is hosted as part of the inter-departmental HEC Research Centre for Grand Challenges and run by a team of dedicated and keen researchers." 

My role

Editor for the Grand Challenges Blog.

Who we are

"PhDnet is a network for PhD students and teaching assistants of HEC Lausanne at the University of Lausanne.

The purpose of this association is to create a network where PhD students and teaching assistants of different departments can connect, get to know each other and provide mutual support." Find more here!

My role

During the 2021-2022 semester, I was the official economics department representative and the unofficial bouldering event organizer!


Master Representative and Member of HEC Masters Assembly, HEC, University of Lausanne

My role

Who we are

"Uthink is an association for students at the University of Lausanne. The aim of its activities is to disseminate critical, unbiased knowledge, offer the university community the opportunity to find out more about important social, economic and political topics, and promote the scientific knowledge produced by the academic world."

My role


Fréquence Banane is the student radio from UNIL, EPFL and UNIGE. 

You can listen the new generation here!

My role

During my study abroad at McGill University, I was a member of the Public Relations Committee of McGill Students Chapter of Jam for Justice.

"Jam for Justice is a non-profit organization that supports social development and well-being through music. We organize events around Montreal that highlight local and emerging talent. The money raised goes to support charities that are involved in providing musical instruments and education to young children, or to promoting music and the arts in the general Montreal community."