Seasonal Views of
Kathy's Meadow
Kathy's Website:
This is a one-page website. Please scroll to bottom for a full year of seasonal views.
March 29: Daffs are blossoming and cool season grasses are bright green in the 50-degree soil temperatures. Warm season grasses, however, are dormant and brown. The latter don't begin to thrive until soil temperatures reach about 65 degrees.
In May, warm season grasses just start to green. They get tall around July 1.
Early June, warm season grasses
Warm season grasses grow fast as soil temps reach about 60 degrees,
Colorful Redtop, a cool-season grass, sways in the wind, June.
Tickseed coreopsis, June-July
Common milkweed, June - July
Butterfly weed lives up to its' name in July.
Yarrow, June - October
Yarrow foreground, Heliopsis 'Summer Nights' background, July
Heliopsis 'Summer Nights', July-August
Brown-eyed Susan foreground, splitbeard bluestem in the background, August/September
Switchgrass foreground, Bluestem broomsedge background, September
Mountainmint visited by bees, June-October.
Red Admiral butterfly on Wood's blue asters at meadow edge, September.
Early September morning, yarrow and Little Bluestem glow in the sun.
We mow once per year in mid-April. We keep all the stalks on site, however, piling them thick on weedy areas as "smothers." Also, by keeping the stalks on site, we also keep any stem-nesting bees that hadn't emerged yet.