
I participated in the Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) summer session in 2019 at Pomona College, before entering the PhD program at UNL! 

The EDGE summer session is a four-week study program, consisting of four lecture series based on typical first-year graduate mathematics courses: for 2019 these were algebra, real analysis, measure theory, and numerical linear algebra. Each course has associated problem sets and problem sessions, and feedback is given on student work to prepare for the first year of graduate school. 

The goal of the EDGE program is to empower women and minority students in mathematics graduate programs: to give them the tools to succeed in their coursework and access to a network of mathematicians like them. 

I was a mentor at the EDGE 2022 summer session, which took place at St. John's College at Oxford University in Oxford, England. 

As a mentor for the EDGE summer session, my responsibilities were to facilitate problem sessions and hold office hours, along with the other mentors. We provided assistance for the 2022 courses, which were algebra, real analysis, machine learning, and measure theory. We also gave talks introducing the participants to our research areas, and shared our experiences as graduate students in general.