CBD oil for kids

CBD oil is one of the most revolutionary products to come into existence recently. Not only is it natural and much safer than its counterparts, but it is just as effective. CBD is an excellent option for children as well, but a lot of parents are reluctant to explore its benefits because of a lot of doubt and misconception surrounding it. The first step is to explore what CBD oil is and how one can use it to help children overcome ailments.

What is CBD oil?

CBD refers to cannabinoids, a chemical compound that occurs naturally in marijuana plants. This substance is then combined with carrier oils like that of coconut, which ultimately makes CBD oil. CBD interacts with the human endocannabinoid system and reduces inflammation and pain in its receptors, which carry response and reaction from stimuli to the brain and vice versa. People have a misconception that CBD oil has psychoactive effects, but CBD has no such properties at all. An entirely different compound called THC is what gives marijuana its psychoactive characteristic. Due to fallacies like this, CBD oil is wrongly looked down upon.

How can CBD oil be used to help children?

CBD oil can often be called a miracle substance because of its various pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. But the benefits of CBD don't stop there. CBD oil can be used to reduce hyperactivity and anxiety. Research has proven that it can be used to reduce the symptoms of those on the autism spectrum as well. These reasons make CBD oil a great medicinal option for kids who display these problems.

As in adults, CBD oil can be used to significantly curtail anxiety and angst in children as proven by various studies on both animals as well as people. It can help in dealing with and treating a variety of disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more. A 10-year-old subject in a study was shown to have lowered anxiety and stress after the administration of CBD oil. However, it should be noted that there isn't enough information and research regarding the usage of CBD oil on children.

Studies have also proved that administering CBD oil to children on the autism spectrum can improve and reduce the symptoms. However, the results cannot be taken as entirely conclusive. But more research and study is being conducted all over the world to explore the benefits of CBD oil and to understand the safety of using it to cure autism. CBD has also shown to reduce seizures in children with two rare types of epilepsy, which are Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndrome. CBD oil has helped reduce nausea induced by chemotherapy in children as well.

Is CBD oil safe for kids?

Now we address the most crucial question. Is giving CBD to kids safe? Most studies and research conducted have shown that CBD oil doesn't have any such adverse or severe side effects in children or adults. It is a well-tolerated substance. However, in some studies, side effects that surfaced include changes in sleep and mood, gastrointestinal problems, nausea, drowsiness, low appetite, etc. But it is to be noted that in such studies, the amount of CBD administered was much higher than the usual dosage, and even then, the repercussions were low.


CBD oil is fast rising to become a natural medicine that people can fall back upon. Even though it hasn't been extensively researched, the ones that have been conducted show that it is safe, effective and has minimal side effects in both children and adults. It is able to help in everyday problems like anxiety as well as in rare cases of epilepsy and autism.

Now if you're looking to explore the world of CBD commodities, head on over to CBDistillery. We're home to high-quality CBD oil as well as a variety of other CBD products which are made from the choicest hemp and produced ethically. You can even check out our articles so that you can inform yourself further on the benefits of CBD in our lives.

Source: Cannabis herald