Recent Presentations

SEL Parent Presentation.3.23

SEL Parent Presentation

April 2023

AERA Presentation

April 2023

Mental Wellness PD.2.23

Mental Wellness for Educators

PK-8 Teacher PD / February 2023

AERA 2022 Supt CRT SEL Handout.pdf

Paper Roundtable: School Leadership Reform for Equity:Implications for Superintendents

AERA 2022/ April


UCEA 2021 Ignite Session

November 2021


UCEA 2021 Paper Presentation

November 2021

SEL AntiRacism June 2021.pptx

Social Emotional Learning and Anti-Racism: Building on the Assets of Marginalized Students

June 11, 2021- Center For Success Conference: Walking the Talk (Virtual)



Untapped Potential: 

Social Emotional Learning and

Intervention Programs

for Students Experiencing Underperformance