Broadly speaking, I am interested in the intersection of mathematics and computer science.  More specifically, I am interested in formally verifying mathematical results and algorithms that have safety-critical applications.  I typically work in the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL; you can find my AFP entries here.

In graduate school, I focused on formalizing algorithms for real quantifier elimination in Isabelle/HOL (my thesis topic). I also considered other topics that are relevant to the formal verification of cyber-physical systems (CPS): namely, efficient invariant generation and modeling (specifically, how to write models of CPS that build an awareness of physics into logic). My graduate school work was generously supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

Prior to graduate school, I did research in various areas of mathematics. My Erdős number is 3.


My maiden name was Cordwell, and so my publications before 2022 appear under K. Cordwell.

Conference Papers

Journal Papers (note: authorship in math journals is alphabetical)

CS Journals

Book Chapters

Benedetto J.J., Cordwell K., Magsino M. (2019) CAZAC Sequences and Haagerup's Characterization of Cyclic N-roots. In: Aldroubi A., Cabrelli C., Jaffard S., Molter U. (eds) New Trends in Applied Harmonic Analysis, Volume 2. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Birkhäuser, Cham. (doi)

PhD Thesis

Formally Verifying Algorithms for Real Quantifer Elimination (2023)
Committee: André Platzer (Chair), Jeremy Avigad, Frank Pfenning, Dexter Kozen, Lawrence Paulson
Document: Available here
Awarded the 2024 Bill McCune PhD Award (news)

Work Experience

I interned at NASA Langley Research Center with the Formal Methods group in the summer of 2019. Under the mentorship of Aaron Dutle and César Muñoz, I worked to improve quantifier elimination strategies in the PVS theorem prover; my contributions are now included in the NASA PVS library. The associated tech report is available here.

Fun Fact

I participated in science fairs and similar science competitions in high school and was fortunate to work with some fantastic mentors who were very generous with their time and talents.  You can see me talk about some of my early (high school) research below!