
Work Experience

  • U.S. Census Bureau, Social Economic and Housing Statistics Division, 2019-Present


  • PhD in Economics, The University of Texas, 2014 - 2019

    • Chairs: Prof. Sandra Black and Prof. Mike Geruso

  • M.S. in Economics, University of Texas, 2016.

  • B.A. (honors) in Economics, University of Texas, 2010.

  • B.S. (honors) in Mathematics, University of Texas, 2010.

Graduate Experience

  • Instructor for Introduction to Microeconomics, University of Texas (Summer 2017 and 2018)

  • Teaching Assistant in Economics, University of Texas (2014 - Present)

  • Research Assistant for the Charles A. Dana Center and Dr. Lauren Schudde, University of Texas (2016-2017)

  • Research Assistant for Dr. Jane Lincove and Dr. Sandra Black (Summer 2015)

  • Associate Economist at Welch Consulting, College Station, Texas (2012 - 2014)

  • GIS Consultant, Quorum Business Solutions, Houston, Texas (2010 - 2012)