
Work in Progress

Does School Social Work Work? Evidence from Crime and Education

When Weather Wounds Workers: The Impact of Temperature on Workplace Accidents (with Benedikt Janzen)

Abstract: We study the effects of temperature on occupational health using administrative data on Swiss occupational accidents from 1996 to 2019. Our results imply that on hot days (Tmax >= 30°C) the number of occupational accidents increases by 7.4 percent and on ice days (Tmax < 0°C) by 6.3 percent, relative to mild days. We find that extreme temperatures cause an average of 2,600 workplace accidents each year, accounting for 1 percent of annual accidents. We provide suggestive evidence for insufficient sleep on hot days as a mechanism. While extreme temperatures worsen occupational health, we observe limited labor supply adaption for most workers. [Link]


Determinants, Persistence and Dynamics of Energy Poverty: An Empirical Assessment Using German Household Survey Data (with Benedikt Janzen), Energy Economics, 102, 105433. [Link]

Helicopter money in Europe: New evidence on the marginal propensity to consume across European households (with Pirmin Fessler and Peter Lindner), Economics Letters 195, 2020. [Link]

STEM Careers: Workshops Using Role Model Can Reduce Gender Stereotypes (with Simone Häckl and Julia Schmieder), DIW Weekly Report 13, 2020. [Link]