
Post-doc researcher at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, where I am fortunate to work with  Professor Dr. Sayan Mukherjee. Before that I was  a post-doc researcher at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, where I was fortunate to have worked with Professor Dr. Guido Montúfar. Before that, I did my PhD in Mathematical Statistics in the Department of Mathematics at Humboldt University of Berlin, where I worked under the supervision of  Professor Dr. Markus Reiss.  My research interests lie at the intersection of nonparametric statistics and machine learning. Recently, I have become interested in minimax optimization problems and mathematics of deep learning with applications in biostatistics and finance.


Email: katerina.papagiannouli [at)



 3. Brechét P., Papagiannouli, K., An J.,Montufar G. Convergence of Generative Deep Linear       Networks trained with Bures-Wasserstein Loss, ICML 2023  [PDF] 

Working papers

4.  Sun, Y., Papagiannouli, K., Spokoiny, V. Graph-based online-change point detection      based on high-dimensional data, 2022. [PDF

Other work