About Me


I have 2 amazing kids. They are into many different things. They are only 2 years apart and the best of friends. Both being boys they have their moments of utter chaos. That being said they also have their moments of being the sweetest boys on the planet. They definitely keep me busy and on my toes. I wouldn't have it any other way.


My husband is a hardworking man. He is very supportive and always shows me he loves me everyday. He makes me want to be the best me I can be. He has helped me through so much from my past. I know it wasn't easy for him. He is also a very patient man. He is strong when I am weak and always has my back. We always say "It's us against the world" and that I'm his "Forever and Always".


I have had a very interesting life as most can see from my writing. I've seen and been through a lot but I don't let anything hold me back. It took me a long time to get my confidence up with all I have dealt with in my life. I feel fast and deeply which is a blessing and a curse depending on how your looking at it. In every piece I do there is a part of me and my soul. I love writing and if I can help anyone out there have a voice then I have done what I set out to do.