Katarzyna M. Tyc, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Massey Cancer Center (MCC) Bioinformatics Core

Department of Biostatistics

Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Office: 830 E Main St #732


My primary research interests are genomics and human genetics with the focus on translational biomedical research. Using my expertise spanning the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics, I like to tackle questions aimed at understanding the rewiring of cellular signaling pathways and gene regulatory networks that drive cells into abnormal states with highly pathogenic outcomes. I have expertise in mathematical modeling on various granularity levels and data analysis from an array of model organisms ranging from pathogenic fungi Candida albicans, C. elegans, mouse to human and cancer models.

In my most recent work, I investigated the molecular causes of KRAS dependency across tumor types. Using integrative genomics data approaches, I developed a powerful biomarker KDS30 of KRAS addiction in mt KRAS lung and pancreatic cancers.

Click here to see my publications.