Hi, I'm Kashish (Kuh-sheesh)! I'm a Robotics Software Engineer and this is my robotics portfolio!

I am currently a Research Project Manager at the University of Pennsylvania under the supervision of Dr. Vijay Kumar. I am also working towards my Robotics M.S.E degree from the same school!

I have worked in the field of Robotics in various roles since 2019 and my engineering interests include (but are not limited to) Distributed Robotics, Computer Engineering and Systems Design.

I have experience as a Mechatronics Engineer, Software Engineer, Robotics Researcher, Codebase Manager, and more!

My personal interests include biking, climbing, shooting pool and learning about zoology/primatology.

If you are interested in connecting, do not hesitate!

Personal Email: kashishgarg9@gmail.com

Work Email: kashg@seas.upenn.edu

Phone: (585)-733-1871

Philly Zoo, admiring some Gibbons
Field Inspection in New York