
原著論文 / Origical Articles (*corresponding author(s)) 

1. *Nishiguchi S, *Kasai RS, *Uchihashi T. Antiparallel dimer structure of CELSR cadherin in solution revealed by high-speed atomic force microscopy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.  doi: 10.1073/pnas.2302047120 (2023) 

2. Yamamoto T#, Yasuda S#, Kasai RS, Nakano R, Hikiri S, Sugaya K, Hayashi T, Ogasawara S, Shiroishi M, Fujiwara TK, *Kinoshita M, *Murata T. A methodology for creating mutants of G-protein coupled receptors stabilized in active state by combining statistical thermodynamics and evolutionary molecular engineering. Protein Sci. doi: 10.1002/pro.4425 (2022) (# equally contributed)

3. Nagai R, Sugimachi A, Tanimoto Y, Suzuki KGN, Hayashi F, Weikert D, Gmeiner P, *Kasai RS, *Morigaki K. Functional reconstitution of dopamine D2 receptor into a supported model membrane in a nanometric confinement. Adv. Biol. (Weinh) doi: 10.1002/adbi.202100636 (2021)

4. Nagai R, Sugimachi A, Tanimoto Y, Suzuki KGN, Hayashi F, Kasai RS, *Morigaki K. パターン化人工膜への膜タンパク質の再構成 電気学会論文誌C 141: 1340-1343 (2021)

5. Kasai RS, Fujiwara TK, *Kusumi A. Metastable GPCR dimers trigger the basal signal by recruiting G-proteins. bioRxiv. doi: (2020)

6. Koyama-Honda I, Fujiwara TK, Kasai RS, Suzuki KGN, Kajikawa E, Tsuboi H, Tsunoyama TA, *Kusumi A. High-speed single-molecule imaging reveals signal transduction by induced transbilayer raft phases. J. Cell Biol. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202006125 (2020)

7. Nishiguchi T, Yoshimura H, Kasai RS, Fujiwara TK, *Ozawa T. Synergetic roles of Formyl Peptide Receptor 1 oligomerization in ligand-induced signal transduction. ACS Chem. Biol. 15: 2577-2587 (2020)

8. *Muraoka T, Noguchi D, Kasai RS, Sato K, Sasaki R, Tabata K, Ekimoto T, Ikeguchi M, Kamagata K, Hoshino N, Noji H, Akutagawa A, Ichimura K, *Kinbara K. A synthetic ion channel with anisotropic ligand response. Nat. Commun. 11: 2924 (2020)

9. Tsunoyama TA, Watanabe Y, Goto J, Naito K, Kasai RS, Suzuki KGN, Fujiwara TK, *Kusumi A. Super-long single-molecule tracking reveals dynamic-anchorage-induced integrin function. Nat. Chem. Biol. 14: 497-506 (2018)

10. Kasai RS, Ito SV, Awane RM, Fujiwara TK, *Kusumi A. The Class-A GPCR dopamine D2 receptor forms transient dimers stabilized by agonists: detection by single-molecule tracking. Cell Biochem. Biophys. 76: 29-37 (2018)

11. Nemoto YL, Morris, RJ, Hijikata H, Tsunoyama TA, Shibata ACE, Kasai RS, *Kusumi A, *Fujiwara TK. Dynamic meso-scale anchorage of GPI-anchored receptors in the plasma membrane: prion protein vs. Thy1. Cell Biochem. Biophys. 75: 399-412 (2017)

12. Makino A, Abe M, Ishitsuka R, Murate M, Kishimoto T, Sakai S, Hullin-Matsuda F, Shimada Y, Inaba T, Miyatake H, Tanaka H, Kurahashi A, Pack CG, Kasai RS, Kubo S, Schieber NL, Dohmae N, Tochio N, Hagiwara K, Sasaki Y, Aida Y, Fujimori F, Kigawa T, Nishibori K, Parton RG, Kusumi A, Sako Y, Anderluh G, Yamashita M, Kobayashi T, Greimel P, *Kobayashi T. A novel sphingomyelin/cholesterol domain-specific probe reveals the dynamics of the membrane domains during virus release and in Niemann-Pick type C. FASEB J. 31: 1301-1322 (2017)

13. Hiramoto-Yamaki N, Tanaka KA, Suzuki KG, Hirosawa KM, Miyahara MS, Kalay Z, Tanaka K, Kasai RS, *Kusumi A, *Fujiwara TK. Ultrafast diffusion of a fluorescent cholesterol analog in compartmentalized plasma membranes. Traffic. 15: 583-612 (2014)

14. Nishimura H, Ritchie K, Kasai RS, Goto M, Morone N, Sugimura H, Tanaka K, Sase I, Yoshimura A, Nakano Y, Fujiwara TK, *Kusumi A. Biocompatible fluorescent silicon nanocrystals for single-molecule tracking and fluorescence imaging. J. Cell Biol. 202: 967-983 (2013)

15. Nagata KO, Nakada C, Kasai RS, *Kusumi A, *Ueda K. ABCA1 dimer-monomer interconversion during HDL generation revealed by single-molecule imaging. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110: 5034-5039 (2013)

16. Suzuki KGN, Kasai RS, Hirosawa KM, Nemoto YL, Ishibashi M, Miwa Y, Fujiwara TK, *Kusumi A. Transient GPI-anchored protein homodimers are units for raft organization and function. Nat. Chem. Biol. 8: 774-783 (2012)

17. Cho KJ, Kasai RS, Park JH, Chigurupati S, Heidorn SJ, van der Hoeven D, Plowman SJ, Kusumi A, *Marais R, *Hancock JF. Raf inhibitors target ras spatiotemporal dynamics. Curr. Biol. 22: 945-955 (2012)

18. Kasai RS, Suzuki KGN, Prossnitz ER, Koyama-Honda I, Nakada C, Fujiwara TK, *Kusumi A. Full Characterization of GPCR Monomer-Dimer Dynamic Equilibrium by Single Molecule Imaging. J. Cell Biol. 192: 463-480 (2011)

19. Morone N, Fujiwara T, Murase K, Kasai RS, Ike H, Yuasa S, Usukura J, *Kusumi A. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the membrane skeleton at the plasma membrane interface by electron tomography. J. Cell Biol. 174: 851-862 (2006)

20. Koyama-Honda I, Ritchie K, Fujiwara T, Iino R, Murakoshi H, Kasai RS, *Kusumi A. Fluorescence Imaging for Monitoring the Colocalization of Two Single Molecules in Living Cells. Biophys. J. 88: 2126-2136 (2005)

21. Nakada C, Ritchie K, Oba Y, Nakamura M, Hotta Y, Iino R, Kasai RS, Yamaguchi K, Fujiwara T, *Kusumi A. Accumulation of anchored proteins forms membrane diffusion barriers during neuronal polarization. Nat. Cell Biol. 5: 626-632 (2003)

英文総説 / Reviews (*corresponding author(s)) 

1. *Kusumi A, Fujiwara TK, Tsunoyama TA, Kasai RS, Liu A, Hirosawa KM, Kinoshita M, Matsumori N, Komura N, Ando H, Suzuki KGN. Defining raft domains in the plasma membrane. Traffic. 21: 106-137 (2020) 

2. *Kusumi A, Kasai RS. Class A GPCRs’ transient homodimers might be important for some of their key functions. J. Physiol. 592 Online Session “CROSSTALK” 15 (2014)

3. *Kusumi A, Tsunoyama TA, Hirosawa KM, Kasai RS, Fujiwara TK. Tracking single molecules at work in living cells. Nat. Chem. Biol. 10: 524-532 (2014) 

4. Kasai RS, *Kusumi A. Single-molecule imaging revealed dynamic GPCR dimerization. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 27: 78-86 (2014) 

5. *Suzuki KGN, Kasai RS, Fujiwara TK, Kusumi A. Single-Molecule Imaging of Receptor–Receptor Interactions. Methods Cell Biol. 117: 373-390 (2013) 

6. *Kusumi A, Fujiwara TK, Chadda R, Xie M, Tsunoyama TA, Kalay Z, Kasai RS, Suzuki KGN. Dynamic organizing principles of the plasma membrane that regulate signal transduction: commemorating the fortieth anniversary of Singer and Nicolson's fluid-mosaic model. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 28: 215-250 (2012) 

7. *Kusumi A, Fujiwara TK, Morone N, Yoshida KJ, Chadda R, Xie M, Kasai RS, Suzuki KGN. Membrane mechanisms for signal transduction: the coupling of the meso-scale raft domains to membrane-skeleton-induced compartments and dynamic protein complexes. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 23: 126-144 (2012) 

8. *Kusumi A, Suzuki KG, Kasai RS, Ritchie K, Fujiwara TK. Hierarchical mesoscale domain organization of the plasma membrane. Trends Biochem. Sci. 36: 604-615 (2011) 

9. *Kusumi A, Nakada C, Ritchie K, Murase K, Suzuki K, Murakoshi H, Kasai RS, Kondo J, Fujiwara T. Paradigm Shift of the Plasma Membrane Concept from the Two-Dimensional Continuum Fluid to the Partitioned Fluid: High-Speed Single-Molecules Tracking of Membrane Molecules. Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struc. 34: 351-378 (2005) 

和文総説・解説等 / Japanese Reviews (*corresponding author(s)) 

1. *笠井倫志 “G蛋白質共役型受容体の過渡的なダイマー形成 – 1分子観察法による研究” 医学のあゆみ GPCR研究の最前線2016 企画 飯利太朗 槙田紀子 256: 379-384 医歯薬出版株式会社 (2016)

2. *笠井倫志 “Gタンパク質共役型受容体の動的な二量体・単量体平衡:1分子計測法を用いたアプローチ” 生体の科学 [増大特集] 生命動態システム科学 65: 392-393 医学書院 (2014)

3. *笠井倫志 “1分子イメジングにより明らかになった, GPCRのモノマー・ダイマーの動的な交換” Clinical Neuroscience 月刊 臨床神経科学 31: 1118-1119 中外医学社 (2013)

4. 藤原敬宏 笠井倫志 *楠見明弘 “超高速・超解像1蛍光分子顕微鏡” 現代化学 508: 50-51 東京化学同人 (2013)

5. *楠見明弘 笠井倫志 吉田謙太 廣澤幸一朗 藤原敬宏 鈴木健一 “シグナル伝達の1分子イメジング” 実験医学増刊 シグナル伝達研究最前線2012 30: 693-701 羊土社 (2012)

6. *笠井倫志 “生細胞膜におけるGPCRの1分子観察法を用いた研究” 医学のあゆみ 最新G蛋白質共役受容体研究 企画 飯利太朗 233: 692-698 医歯薬出版株式会社 (2010)

7. *笠井倫志 “三量体Gタンパク質の活性化の1分子解析” 実験医学別冊 バイオイメージングでここまで理解(わか)る 楠見明弘・小林剛・吉村昭彦・徳永万喜洋 編 82-85 羊土社 (2003)

編集書籍 / Book 

1. “QUANTITATIVE BIOLOGY: DYNAMICS OF LIVING SYSTEMS” ISSN 1664-8714, ISBN 978-2-88945-213-2, DOI 10.3389/978-2-88945-213-2 (2017)