Welcome to MUJO


Mujo (meaning impermanence or transience) is an autonomous vehicle concept. The vehicle interior adapts and changes to user needs while the vehicle functions to adapt to both busy and idle ride environments hence the name Mujo.

Being aware of the dynamic environment the vehicles exist in today, Mujo aims to solve the issues such as deadheading (Idle driving) and privacy within ride share options by providing a constantly changing system both - inside and outside the vehicle.

Due to privacy being a major concern when opting for Ride Share options - The AV allows for a customisable seating environment which can offer private and shared seating arrangements to promote ride-sharing for users headed in the same directions.

Project Overview


design for productive application of autonomous vehicle technology?

The ‘how might we’ aims towards deployment and application of autonomous technology in the mobility sector. It scopes the project towards how these technologies are used and purposed within the mobility space to provide transport services. With this project I aim to develop and design a vehicle concept which responds to problems discovered in current deployment of AVs and few pre-existing issues within mobility as a service options.


I. Deadheading

Deadheading refers to the time spent driving while the driver is waiting to get a ride. It also includes the time driving to and from passengers. Deadheading currently account for 43% of the total drive time when using ride-hailing services.

II. Privacy

It was discovered only 15% of the ride-hailing trips in U.S. are shared. The main reason being privacy and safety while sharing a ride.

III. Accessibility

Most of the ride-share options today offer no wheel chair access or assistance features except button brails and in-app voice assistance. This makes it hard for users to locate and access these vehicles.

IV. Communication

Autonomous vehicles (AV) today have come a long way but present us with an issue of communicating with pedestrians and other vehicles on the road. Lack of feedback or almost no feedback with the immediate environment often leaves people confused about what the AV is thinking and what would it's next move.


The main objective behind this project is driven by Application and Productivity of Technology. The purpose was not set in stone or a surprise day long discovery, but it evolved as my project progressed throughout the year. The goal of this project was directed towards discovering how these autonomous technologies are performing and how are they contributing towards the current mobility sector. This came to fruition by questioning what problems the technologies are solving and what challenges they are posing on users and environment when being implemented.