Karl Walentin

I am a Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics at Uppsala University 2022-2027.  I am also affiliated with Sveriges Riksbank as a visiting scholar. My research is within macroeconomics, mainly related to business cycles, macro-labor and macro-housing. My current research is about the role of housing collateral in the monetary policy transmission and the role of monetary vs. fiscal policy in stabilizing the economy. I am also about to start a project about how the gradual transition to zero carbon emissions will affect the economy, with a focus on the capital stock transition. Finally I am part of MacH2M research group which empirically characterizes the key dimensions of heterogeneity between households (and firms) that affect how shocks propagate through the economy.  

Latest news:

Major revision of Dynamic Macroeconomic Implications of Immigration (with Conny Olovsson and Andreas Westermark). Resubmitted to the JME.

Debattartikel 2 som summerar Långtidsutredningen: Finanspolitiken bör stabilisera ekonomin, Op-Ed in Svenska dagbladet, January 26th, 2024. [in Swedish]

Debattartikel 1 som summerar Långtidsutredningen: Sverige behöver en systematisk finanspolitik, Op-Ed in Dagens industri, December 13th, 2023. [in Swedish]

New policy publication: Långtidsutredningen 2023, Penning- och finanspolitisk konjunkturstabilisering,  December 12th, 2023.  [in Swedish] Commissioned report for the Swedish Ministry of Finance on the roles of monetary and fiscal policy in stabilizing the business cycle.

A research team that I am a member of, lead by Mikael Carlsson, has been awarded a grant of 36 MSEK by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond for the research program The macroeconomy and high-dimensional heterogeneity on the micro level, MacH2M

Here is my CV .

Contact info:
E-mail: karl.walentin@nek.uu.se
Phone: +46-73-469 7482