karl-johan gyllenstorm | Table of Contents


Adelsvapnet Gyllenstorm Nr.981
The coat of arms of the nobility Gyllenstorm nr 981

Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm was born in 1976 21 June in Mölle. Possess knowledge in internet marketing with a focus on search engine optimization (SEO). Specialist knowledge is possessed in strategy and expansion of personal brand online, market analysis, web automation for affiliate marketing, extravagant search engine optimization methods. Other relevant knowledge and university studies can be found in the subjects data analysis and statistics as well as in radiology and image analysis. He got part of his breakthrough in connection with starting his craft company in 2008. Karl-Johan has a patent for the name "Gyllenstorm". Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm has worked as a team base, project manager and site manager in previous professional practices. Gyllenstorm is included among Riddarhuset's coats of arms.

PRV Namnbevis - Garant of personal name Gyllenstorm. Utfärdat år 2009, 28 december till Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm.

Patents and Registration Office sweden

Certificate of name 28 December 2009 - Garant of personal name Gyllenstorm.

Historisk autograf frĂĄn Gyllenstorm (ĂĄr 1838) arkiverad i Riksarkivet/ Ericsbergsarkivet.

Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm have experience of

[Wordpress], [Joomla], [Wix], [Blogger], [Google Sites], [Appsheet], [Google Spreadsheet], [Frontex], [Digital Marketing], [Affiliate Marketing], [CBRNE], [SEO], [Securitas], [Linkbuilding], [Digital Marketing Automation], [IFTTT], [Google Adwords], [Border Guard], [Google Adsense], [Group leader], [Database production in Wix], [Dataanalysis & Statistics], [Sales & Advertising], [Project leader], [YouTube], [Economy], [VISMA SPCS], [Microsoft Office], [Tracking with dog], [Marketing planning], [Iprado], [The Swedish Police], [Google Ad Manager], [General Data Processing], [Export/ Import], [Guard], [MFL§ -Marketing law], [Site manager], [Advertising], [Project leading], [Administration], [Run a business], [Web development], [Swedish Arms], [Förvaltningslagen§], [Utl§], [Ifado] etc.

Niche educations

[2014-03]–[2014-06] [Dalarnas University - Data Analysis & Statistics]

[2020-10]–[2020-10] [YouTube - Music Certificate]

[1994-07]-[1995-06] [Nicolaiskolan - Sales & Advertising]

[2020-03]-[2020-03] [Google Digital Academy - Digital Marketing]

[2020-10]-[2020-10] [Google - Drive Advertising Revenue Google Ad Manager]

[2004-06]–[2004-10] [Guard school - Guard training VU1, VU2]

[2016-04]–[2020-10] [Swedish Police - Border Guard]

[2014-01-20]–[2014-06-08] [Luleå University of Technology - Radiology & Image Analysis]

[2020 -]–[2020 -] [MSB - CBRNE]

[1985]–[1985] [Swedish Army -Tracking / search with dog.]

[1996]-[2003] [Period includes traditional painting education]