About Our Library

Library is the store house of knowledge. Library can be designated as the heart of any sort of academic institute. Likewise, the Central Library is the core Learning Resource Centre of Karipmpur Pannadevi College. To build up a proper relationship between teachers and student, a library can be acting as a bridge between them. Teacher-student relationship never get fulfilled without the midas touch of a library. Librarian always acts as the sole custodian of knowledge and always guide the users to the world of knowledge to gain wisdom in due course of time. Over past 50 years, this library has been entrusted with the responsibility of catering variety of needs of different users and this is truly a long glorious journey. This library has very rich collection of text books, reference books, reference tools, periodicals, newspaper etc. All the library resources are well-maintained and classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification, so that, the retrieval of them can be very quick and easy to identify.

The library is at the first floor of the main college building. The department is consisted with circulation section, reading section, periodicals' section, stack room, newspaper stand, new arrival section. The library also publishes an annual wall magazine contributed greatly by the college students. This library has also taken an initiative to populate a collection of books on competitive exams so that, students can also get an opportunity to equip them with different concepts of quantitative and qualitative skills. Though, this kind of books are not for borrowing, only for reading use within the library boundary. This library is also wifi enabled and also secured under CCTV surveillance as well as with fire extinguishers. The librarian has also kept one suggestion box in the reading section to invite valuable suggestion from its patrons.

For Library automation purpose, “Koha” software is in use and it is hosted in cloud server. From the library website, the users can download previous years' question papers, browse through Online Public Aceess Catalogue through web-platforms, also can be redirected to various online resources etc. The library also give awards to the "Best Library Users" every year.

The library is always committed to serving users with right information at the right time. We must remember that, learning is an incremental process and in this process, a library can be a very good add-ons in the pursuit of knowledge. This library is also advancing with this spirit in mind.

We have used some images and links from the web and here our purpose is to use them in academics. We have great respect for copyright. If anyone has a claim copyright to any content, please email us on kpdclibrarian@gmail.com. For any violation, proper steps will be taken.

Thank You.