Karen Chia-Yu Guo
郭珈妤 Karen Guo
(also known as Chia-Yu Guo)
(also known as Chia-Yu Guo)
Position: Assistant Professor 助理教授
Department of Data Science and Big Data Analysis, Providence University 靜宜大學資料科學暨大數據分析與應用學系 (資科系)
Office: 靜安 322-1
E-Mail: kguo2021 (at) pu.edu.tw
Phone: (04) 26328001 - 15103
Main Interests: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Human Behavior, Artificial Intelligence
PhD in Computer Science (Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence), University of Minnesota 明尼蘇達大學
M.S. in Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) 清華大學
B.A. in Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) 清華大學
Jong-Shenq Guo, Karen Guo and Masahiko Shimojo, "Stability of monostable traveling waves in diffusive three-species competition systems," Applied Mathematics Letters, 148 (2024), Art. 108891.
Jong-Shenq Guo, Karen Guo and Paul Schrater, "Prediction of human looking behavior using interest based image representations," Communications in Information and Systems, 23 (2023), 245-262.
Jong-Shenq Guo, Karen Guo and Masahiko Shimojo, "Forced waves for diffusive competition systems in shifting environments," Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 73 (2023), Art.103880.
Karen Guo, "On the invading speeds for a diffusive three-species competition system," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 526 (2023), Art. 127229.
Jong-Shenq Guo and Karen Guo, "Traveling waves for a three-species competition system with two weak aboriginal competitors," Differential and Integral Equations, 35 (2022), 819-832.
Karen Guo, "Characterizing Human Looking Behavior Considering Human Interest and Visual Attention with Contributions to Cognitive AI and HCI," PhD Thesis Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 2020.
Karen Guo, Danielle Pratt, Angus MacDonald III, Paul Schrater, “Labeling Images by Interpretation from Natural Viewing,” ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) 2018: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Niluthpol Chowdhury, Sirajum Munir, Karen Guo, Charles Shelton, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury, “ODDS: Real-Time Object Detection using Depth Sensors on Embedded GPUs,” Proceedings of the 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (ISPN), 2018
Karen Guo and Paul Schrater, “Automatically Discovering Fatigue Patterns from Sparsely Labelled Temporal Data,” International Conference of Machine Learning Applications (ICMLA), 2015.
Karen Guo and Hwann-Tzong Chen, “Learning Sparse Dictionaries for Saliency Detection,” Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2012.
Fall 2023
- 機器學習 (一)
- JAVA程式設計 (一)
- 資料科學暨生涯規劃
Spring 2023
- Python 軟體應用
- 機器學習與類神經網路
- 深度學習 (二)Previous Courses
- 機器學習 (一) (Fall 2022, Fall 2021)
- JAVA程式設計 (一) (Fall 2022)
- 專業英文 (Fall 2022)
- 資料科學暨生涯規劃
- 智慧醫療 (Spring 2022)
- 資料探勘導論 (Fall 2021)Instructor of HTML/CSS in Asia Media Access, MN, US
(Oct. 2020 - Jun. 2021)Teaching Assistant in University of Minnesota
- Linear Algebra (Spring 2015 - Spring 2020)
- Introduction to Machine Learning (Fall 2014)
- Machine Architecture and Organization (Fall 2013)