Karel Van den Berghe

Welcome to my website!

I am a tenured Assistant Professor of spatial planning and urban and regional economy at the Delft University of Technology (TUDelft - NL). I'm part of the department of Management and the Built Environment (faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment). I hold a MSc. in Geography, a MSc. in Urban Planning and Urbanism, and since September 2018 a PhD in Urban Planning and Urbanism (Free EBook-download, click here).

I'm interested in (spatial planning/geography/economy/...) theoretical, methodological, and case study research. This is mainly done by writing (international) peer reviewed articles (see Publications). On the other hand I provide policy recommendations to  companies, (port) authorities, economic (consultancy) institutions and urban governments. I try to be involved in organizations and advisory councils to 'break out the academic ivory tower' as much as possible (see Organizations). 

I teach in different bachelor and master courses - too many to sum them up (or I should take a moment to do so). I supervise many master thesis students, not only at the TUDelft, but also the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Leiden University. Next, I am the supervisor of doctoral student Msc. Felipe Bucci Ancapi.

Recently, a few large international research proposals were granted, stay in contact for coming vacancies.

Hopefully you find what you are looking for. If not, or if you want to further discuss a broad range of topics, do not hesitate to contact me! 


Linkedin: Karel Van den Berghe  

Twitter: @kvdberghe

FW_ Delft Circularity Lab - Lecture by Karel Van den Berghe-20231009_123338-Opname van vergadering.mp4

Lecture 'The Circular Maturity of Belgian and Dutch ports', an overview and critique

Lecture during the Delft Circularity Lab, faculty of TPM (09102023)

Based on the article: Haezendonck, E., & Van den Berghe, K. (2020). Patterns of Circular Transition: What Is the Circular Economy Maturity of Belgian Ports? Sustainability, 12(21), 9269. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/21/9269 

PULSE CoDesCr 1st EVENT Day 1_Meeting Recording_KVDB.mp4

Keynote 'What's in a word' 14/09/2023, University Genoa, Italy, PULSE conference

On the 14th of September 2023, I had the honour to give a keynote during the PULSE conference at the faculty of Architecture, University of Genoa, Italy. PULSE (The Port-Cluster Landscape) is a EU funded project, in search for new spatial and design approaches to port clusters. The September event was the first of three.

My keynote's proposition was that the way we define ports is not dependent on the results, but on the way we perceive ports. 

You can watch the recording. 

van den berghe et al_2022.pdf

New academic article out (Maritime Economics and Logistics)

Friends with benefits the emergence of the Amsterdam Rotterdam Antwerp ARA polycentric port region.pdf

New OA journal article out!

Me on YouTube!


New OA journal article out!


Interview in Dutch newspaper Telegraaf, 22/04/2021


New journal article: De Paradox van de Circulaire Economie


Expert panel discussion circular economy



New journal article

New book chapter

Infrastructuur_Karel Van den Berghe, Evert Meijers en Frank Witlox__AOM.pdf

EU Regiostars Award 2019


New article out!

First Post-Doc project article is out! Our article is published in the high-impact factor journal Sustainability (see Articles). In this article we explain how the concept of circularity is used in at least two ways. First, it is used to promote the circular built environment. Second, it is used to call for new (re)manufacturing functions. Although the same concept is used, these two discourse variants conflict in space within cities. In the article, based on a thorough theoretical part, we explain where these two variants come from. We focus on two case studies in Amsterdam and Utrecht.