Karate Training from Your Home

Hey Everyone! 🙌🙌

What an amazing experience we are having with our students through the power of Virtual Training. 💻

We are so happy our students have the opportunity to continue training, advancing their belt ranks and most importantly continue to stay active with all their karate friends through the Virtual Screen. 🥋

😱 Stuck inside with the Kids?! 😱 We've got you covered. Join our Amazing Kids Karate Classes...ONLINE!

🥊 Parents, We have you looked after Too!

Try out our Virtual Cardio-Kickboxing Class.

At Stonetown Karate we are constantly innovating and adapting and during this time is no different.

😀 Grab your Virtual Karate class or Virtual Adult Cardio-Kickboxing class from our website: ⤵️


From our Place to Yours

It can be difficult to keep your kids active every day when stuck at home.

Kids need exercise and a healthy way to burn off their excess energy.

Kids mental health can be impacted by stressful situations. Karate can be a great way to keep their minds busy.

It can be especially difficult to find ways to keep them active, occupied, and out of trouble. Exercise can help kids in a variety of ways, and when they’re not at school, they still need structure and guidance.

The activities you choose for them should help them both physically and emotionally. The right exercise class can offer all the benefits you want – and give you a break at the same time.

Live fitness training is not just for children in 2021? Adults acheive amazing results with virtual online live fitness lessons.

What are you waiting for? Join us LIVE with like minded individuals every Tuesday & Thursday evening 7:15pm to 8:00pm.

Start with a FREE Complimentary class here:
