
This KAP assessment tells us what people know about COVID-19, how they feel and their actions to prevent the disease. It identifies knowledge gaps, beliefs, or misperceptions that can facilitate people’s understanding and behaviour. It also assesses what community would like to know more about COVID-19 and how they prefer to contact TRCS to ask questions or share feedback. Knowing what information people have heard already, how they reacted to it and why they might be resistant to change can help develop targeted messaging and engage in dialogue with communities to promote positive behaviour. The findings of KAP assessment can guide adjustments to ongoing interventions and improve the quality and accessibility of services for the communities.

Practice refers to the ways in which the community demonstrates their knowledge and attitude through their actions. This KAP assessment identifies what people do to protect themselves and their families from becoming infected with COVID-19.


Are you taking any measures in your daily life to prevent the risk of infection?

If not, why?

More than answer possible

If yes or sometimes, what have you and your family done to prevent becoming sick with the Coronavirus in the recent days?

More than one answer possible

FGD findings:

The respondents inform that they are well aware about the preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection. They share the information they receive about COVID-19 and necessary precautions with their family members, friends, neighbours, community forums as well as other employees at work via WhatsApp groups or social media.

To prevent the risks of getting infected, they are taking necessary precautions in their daily lives, such as, frequently washing hands with soap or using hand sanitizers, practicing personal hygiene, staying indoors and avoiding going out unless necessary, sterilizing surfaces and cleaning homes with disinfectant, using masks, and maintaining physical distance whenever outside. Respondents inform they receive information on these from different sources such as doctors, government agencies, Ministry of Health, NGOs, and TRCS.

They stress that the most important steps to reduce the risks of COVID-19 infection are to wash hands with soap frequently or for at least 20 seconds, eating healthy food, wearing masks, maintaining personal hygiene, and physical distance when outside. Avoiding crowds and practicing good coughing etiquette can significantly reduce the chances of COVID-19 infection.

Are you facing any challenges in taking such preventive measures?

More than one answer possible

The following difficulties were recorded under the "Other" category: difficulty in wearing a mask (either general or due to asthma), not enough money to purchase masks, other people not taking the necessary precautions (wearing masks, washing hands, keeping physical distance).

FGD findings:

FGD participants reported that despite the high levels of awareness, community members in many locations are now becoming less inclined to follow the preventive measures compared to in the early stages of the outbreak. In Hatay, for example, following the withdrawal of curfew, people felt that the risk of infection has reduced and so the health advice is less relevant for them.

In Gaziantep, Mardin, Mersin, Kilis and Kayseri, participants tended to feel that healthier people would not be infected and could not spread the disease. Discomfort wearing masks in the hot weather was also reported, as well as observations that people do not wear the masks appropriately.

After months of social isolation and staying indoors, more people are now beginning to go out to public places. In addition, rumours, such as that COVID-19 decreases in hot weather, impact people’s beliefs and behaviour to adopt healthy practices.

What would you do if you or someone from your family has symptoms of this disease?

More than one answer possible

Other: call 112, call 184, call an ambulance, self-isolate. Three people did not know what they would do in such a situation.