KAP assessment



To understand communities’ knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP), along with their information needs on COVID-19, a KAP assessment was conducted by the Turkish Red Crescent Society (TRCS), with support from IFRC, under the Community Based Migration Programme (CBMP) between 20 July to 12 August 2020. The assessment was conducted via TRCS’ social media platforms, phone interviews and online consultations/focused group discussions (FGDs) with refugees and local people in 16 TRCS Community Centre locations. Comprising of both qualitative and quantitative data, the assessment targeted 240 individuals in each of 16 community centre locations for phone interview and 320 refugees and local people for 32 FGDs in total. The findings of the assessment are aimed to inform risk communication, behaviour change and community engagement activities.

This overview aims to present the results of the phone interviews in 16 Community Centre locations, as well as key FGD, findings and provides an understanding of the context of refugees and local people in this COVID-19 outbreak. A total of 3,840 individuals have been interviewed over phone. The findings are presented separately in the knowledge, attitude, practice, and information needs section.


Female 1,959 (51.0%)

Four individuals (0.1%) preferred not to answer this question.



highest level of education

by status and gender

language spoken and understood

more than one answer possible

TRCS Community Centre staff conducting interviews and FGD sessions

"We would like to ask TRCS to conduct more online discussions or assessments like this one. Through these discussions we are able to voice our concerns and understand what we all lack."

F.E., Refugee woman – 39, Kilis

In red - Turkish provinces with active TRCS' community centres who participated in the assessment (two CCs in Istanbul)

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