Kapria 0.3

I have made military and land with land you can buy cities and cities give 5 population and 5 housing capacity, also made stats.

The Kaprian Empire Got Released Its A Game Where You Control Kapria's Economy And Military (Military Will Be Coming Soon)

K.S.O. Elite Squad 1 (0.2)

I made a new arm system that is more realistic and looks better for the arm system I also made a neck grab (by pressing F close to an enemy you can grab its neck and rotate your arm however you want and the enemy's neck will always be in your hands unless you press G to release it) you can also kill them like that by holding a enemys neck in your hand and shoot or punch it with your other hand

also made a more cool looking ground + controls tab

KSO Elite Squad 1 Got Released

I have made the 0.1 version you can check it out here: https://ksoelitesquad.netlify.app/

KMT (Kapria Military Training) 1.7

KMT 1.7

Added: Upgraded Turret, X To Close And Y to Open UI (Controls)

Upgraded Turret: This type of turret can shoot both strong enemies and meele enemies it has a faster firerate, better accuracy and costs 10000 more score beacuse of its multiple target mode.

KMT (Kapria Military Training) 1.6

I have added "Warfare Mode" warfare mode is different than the regular mode beacuse you can save what you built so its more effective to place down fences / turrets by pressing "Reset" you restart your progress (its useful if you died and saved accidentally or just got a glitched save beacuse it starts again everything from the first tick of the layout). I have also added a turret (only accesable in Warfare Mode) if you press the key "1" you spawn a turret in front of you for 20000 in game score the Turret shoots at meele enemies with not the best aim but good firerate and a nice amount of damage its made to help you defend enemy spawns more easily thats why it costs so much I still recommend targetting the shooting enemies beacuse they give 3x more than the regular meele enemies also you can more efficiently grind on them.