Kapital Bank OJSC 's Ba2 long-term local-currency and foreign-currency bank deposit ratings are based on the bank's Baseline Credit Assessment (BCA) of ba3 and our assessment of a high probability of support from the Government of Azerbaijan (Ba1 stable), which results in one notch of rating uplift from the bank's BCA.

Kapital Bank's BCA is underpinned by good performance of its loan book to date, despite the effect of the coronavirus pandemic and the military conflict in Ukraine, strong profitability and an adequate liquidity buffer. The factors constraining the bank's BCA are its declining core capital adequacy and high single-name concentrations in its customer deposit base.

Kapital Bank Cif Kod

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The bank was founded on July 24, 1874. The first service point of Kapital Bank, which is the legal successor of Savings Bank of Azerbaijan, started to function as from July 24, 1874. For the first time, savings banks began their activity under Baku city branch of the State Bank of the Russian Empire. The Executive Manager of the branch was Ivan Samsonovich Khandojevsky. The Steering Committee included such well-known Azerbaijanis as Zeynalabdin Taghiyev, Haji Baba Hashimov, and Haji Shikhali Dadashov [az].

On April 28, 1920, after the collapse of the ADR, the activity of the Baku branch of the Russian State Bank was suspended by the decree of the Revolutionary Committee of Azerbaijan dated June 9, 1920. In January of 1924, State Labour Savings Banks, operating under the State Bank of Azerbaijan SSR, were established. In 1988, these banks were merged into Azerbaijan Republican Bank of Savings Bank of the USSR. On February 11, 1992, Saving Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan was formed on the basis of this Bank. On 21 February 2000, the merger of Savings Bank, Azerbaijan Agro-Industrial Bank and Azerbaijan Industrial Investment Bank resulted in the establishment of Azerbaijan United Universal Stock Bank (BUSBank).

Kapital Bank is a universal bank and serves physical and corporate clients. The bank serves more than 3 million individuals and more than 22,000 legal entities. At the same time, Kapital Bank closely participates in a number of state-owned social projects and implements a number of development programs of real sector.

In 2012, Kapital Bank was awarded ratings by international rating agencies Fitch Ratings and Moody's. Fitch agency gave the Kapital Bank a long-term "B+" rating, defined the bank's rating forecast as "stable". The short-term rating was "B", the support rating was "4". Moody's Investors Service has determined the long-term rating of the Kapital Bank's foreign currency deposits at the level of "Ba3", the financial support rating at the level of "E+". All ratings have a "stable" forecast.

Kapital Bank, the largest financial institution in Azerbaijan, needed an observability solution to help optimize its digital services. The bank began its digital transformation journey three years ago in collaboration with international IT services partner Bakotech and local firm Ultra. However, customers became more accustomed to online and mobile banking during the pandemic, so the bank needed to accelerate its transformation to meet evolving needs and maintain its market leadership. Open-source monitoring solutions such as Nagios provided some insights but could not proactively identify issues and often created notification storms that hindered teams from understanding the root cause to optimize services. Kapital Bank worked with Bakotech to define its digital transformation strategy and identify the best solutions for its needs. For observability, Bakotech recommended Dynatrace, due to its ability to enable teams to quickly identify and understand the precise root cause of any issues in its digital services.

Kapital Bank, a retail bank in Azerbaijan, boasts its digital presence with its mobile app, Birbank, which has accumulated over 5M downloads and retains 3M monthly active users. Recognizing the evolving digital landscape in 2021, they established a UX research team, dedicated to ensuring that their offerings align seamlessly with the preferences and needs of their users.

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Kapital Bank, which has been in the banking sector of Azerbaijan since 1874, is the major provider of banking services and products to the state and state-owned companies and big corporations. The largest branch network in Azerbaijan gives the bank a special edge and a leading role to serve more than 3 million customers.

1924-yil yanvar oyida Ozarbayjon SSR Davlat banki qoshida davlat mehnat omonat kassalari tashkil etildi. 1988-yilda ushbu kassalar SSSR Seberbankining Ozarbayjon Respublika bankiga birlashtirildi. 1992-yil 11-fevralda ushbu bank maqsadi Ozarbayjon Respublikasi Sberbanki tashkil topdi.

2000-yil 21-fevralda Sberbank, Ozarbayjon Agrosanoat banki va Ozarbayjon sanoat investitsiya bankining birlashishi natijasida Ozarbayjon Birlashgan Universal Aksiyadorlik Banki (BUSBank) tashkil etildi.

1920-ci ilin 28 aprelind ADR-in squtunun ardnca Azrbaycan nqilab Komitsinin 9 iyun 1920-ci il tarixli qrar il Rusiya Dvlt Banknn Bak bsi lv edildi v btn bank-kredit tkilatlar kimi bu qurum da yeni yaradlm Xalq Bankna birldirildi. 1924-c ilin yanvarnda Azrbaycanda SSR Dvlt Banknn trkibind faliyyt gstrn dvlt mk mant kassalar yaradld. 1988-ci ild hmin kassalar SSR mant Banknn Azrbaycan Respublikas Bankna evrildi. 11 fevral 1992-ci ild bu bankn bazasnda Azrbaycan Respublikasnn mant Bank formaladrld. Azrbaycan Respublikas Nazirlr Kabinetinin 21 fevral 2000-ci il tarixli 40 "s" nmrli srncam il mant Banknn, Azrbaycan Aqrar-Snaye Banknn v Azrbaycan Snaye-nvestisiya Banknn birldirilmsi nticsind Azrbaycan Birlmi Universal Shmdar Bank (BUSBank) yaradld.

Universal bank olan Kapital Bank hm fiziki, hm d korporativ mtrilr xidmt gstrir. Bank trfindn 3 milyondan ox fiziki v 22 mindn ox korporativ mtriy xidmt gstrilir. Eyni zamanda, Kapital Bank dvltin hyata keirdiyi bir sra sosial proqramlarda da yaxndan itirak edir.

Lakin istr praknd, istrs d KOS v korporativ sektorda rqmsallama, data sasl biznesin aparlmas bankn insan resurslarna ciddi investisiya tlb edir. Bu baxmdan nmzd duran strateji dvrd mvcud komandamzn inkiaf v potensialnn artrlmas, o cmldn bankn bazarda olan pekarlar n clbedici i yerin evrilmsin diqqt yetirilck.

- nnovasiyalar btvlkd Kapital Bank-n hyatnda hmiyytli yer tutur. Biz daima xidmtlrimiz msbt tsir edn masir texnologiyalar gtirmy, onlar ttbiq etmy alrq ki, mtrilrimiz yeni imkanlardan faydalana bilsinlr. Bildiyiniz kimi, Kapital Bank maliyy bazarnda n byk mtri bazasna sahibdir v bu prizmada texnologiyalar biz xidmtin yaxladrlmasnda yardm olur. Texnoloji yeniliklr hm praknd, hm KOS mtrisi n data sasl risk v kreditlm modellrin, zl-individual tkliflr, btn istiqamtlr zr xidmt kanallarna v biznesin digr aparc v dstklyici istiqamtlrin ttbiq olunur. nnovativ hllr hm bankn gndlik faliyytinin trkib hisssi, hm d mxtlif startaplarla partnyorluq kimi banka inteqrasiya olunur.

O ki qald filial bksinin kiildilmsin, hal-hazrda Kapital Bank Azrbaycann n byk xidmt bksin malik maliyy qurumudur. lknin demk olar hr bir regionunda bankn filial v ya bsi mvcuddur. Bugnk dvrd filial bksinin kiildilmsi mzakir olunmur, htta ilin sonuna qdr yeni xidmt nqtlrinin v i yerlrinin almas nzrd tutulur. Rqmsallamadan danarkn bir ox insan onu fiziki tmas nqtlrinin azaldlmas kimi qbul edir. Lakin daha vvl d qeyd etdiyim kimi, bankmzn strateji istiqamtlrindn biri maliyy xidmtlrinin hr bir vtnda n latan v rahat olman tmin etmkdir. Bankmzn filiallar da bu mnada istisna deyil.

- Mikrobiznes, kiik v orta sahibkarlq Kapital Bank-n faliyytinin vacib istiqamtlrindn hesab olunur. Bu seqmentdki sahibkarlq subyektlri n mtmadi olaraq lknin bank sektorunda yenilik saylan innovativ xidmtlr istifady veririk. Nmun kimi hal-hazrda bizim regionda ilklrdn saylan sahibkarlara smartfon vasitsil tmassz dnilri qbul etmk imkann vern Mobil POS xidmtini qeyd etmk olar. Azrbaycanda mikrokreditlrin tam onlayn vermy d ilk df mhz Kapital Bank balayb. Kiik v orta sahibkarlarn kreditlmsinin msafdn hyata keirilmsi n d myyn ilr grmk. Artq mikrobiznes sahibkarlar tam rqmsal kild kredit rsmildir bilirlr. Kreditin rqmsallamas prosesi hazrda da davam etdirilir. Mqsd biznes sahiblri n maksimum rahat banklq yaratmaqdr. Xatrladm ki, qeyri-kredit mliyyatlarmz is artq 2 il yaxndr ki, btvlkd onlayna keirilib. 006ab0faaa

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