Sprites/Sound/Voice Rips

This page is dedicated to sound effects or voice rips from numerous video games, anime, or even movies/shows! Sorry but absolutely no requests for specific character voices/sounds we get what we can here. Some voices ripped from anime or movies may sound weird, it's because we did some noise removal in order to minimalize the background elements. Only English dubbed voices! These sound effect are for M.U.G.E.N. resources only but if you want to use them for something else please remember to link back to this site if you use the sound effects.

Sprite Rips

Tatsunoko Fight (Playstation 1)
Get them here

The Ninja Warriors / Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors (Nintendo Switch)
Get them here

Sound Rips





Video Games


Takamaru, Voiced by Darrel Guilbeau

Dialogue, victory quotes, & attack voices were ripped by Kanbei

Undead Knights

Romulus, Remus, Silvia, NPC voices and sound effects.

Attack voices, NPC sounds, and sound effects were ripped by Zaibatsu

*Dialogue couldn't be extracted at the moment if I can find those files then I will update the link, it is what it is for now.*