Bangla Character Recognition

Programming Language : Python

Framework: Tensorflow , Keras , Pandas , Matplotlib, OpenCV

Output Produced by The model:


Modified VGG-16

Training and Testing dataset details:

Train image size : (90704, 28, 28, 1)

Test image size : (917, 28, 28, 1)

Train label size : (90704, 122)

Test label size : (917, 122)

Training and Testing Error :

Training Loss : 0.03627835959196091

Training Acc : 0.9907942414283752

Validation Loss : 0.2444198578596115

Validation Accuracy : 0.9552890062332153

Citation :

Rabby A.S.A., Haque S., Islam M.S., Abujar S., Hossain S.A. (2019) Ekush: A Multipurpose and Multitype Comprehensive Database for Online Off-Line Bangla Handwritten Characters. In: Santosh K., Hegadi R. (eds) Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. RTIP2R 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1037. Springer, Singapore