

Kabeshita L, Sloat LL, Fischer EV, Kampf S, Magzamen S, Schultz C, Wilkins MJ, Kinnebrew E, Mueller ND, 2023. Pathways framework identifies wildfire impacts on agriculture. Nature Food 1-9. 

Barnard DM, Green TR, Mankin KR, DeJonge KC, Rhoades CC, Kampf SK, Giovando J, Wilkins MJ, Mahmood AL, Sears MG, Comas LH, Gleason SM, Zhang H, Fassnacht SR, Harmel RD, Altenhofen J, 2023. Wildfire and climate change amplify knowledge gaps linking mountain source-water systems and agricultural water supply in the western United States. Agricultural Water Management 286. 

McGrath D, Zeller L, Bonnell R, Reis W, Kampf S, Williams K, Okal M, Olsen-Mikitowicz A, Bump E, Sears M, Rittger K, 2023. Declines in peak snow water equivalent and elevated snowmelt rates following the 2020 Cameron Peak Wildfire in Northern Colorado. Geophysical Research Letters 50(6), e2022GL101294. 

Kampf SK, McGrath D, Sears MG, Fassnacht SR, Kiewiet L, Hammond JC, 2022. Increasing wildfire impacts on snowpack in the western US. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(39), e2200333119.

Badik KJ, Wilson C, Kampf SK, Saito L, Provenchar L, Byer S, Hazelwood M, 2022. A novel approach to estimating soil yield risk in fire-prone ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management 505, 119887.

Wilson C, Kampf SK, Wagenbrenner JW, MacDonald LH, Gleason H. 2020. Hillslope sediment fence catch efficiencies and particle sorting for post-fire rain storms. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 

Wilson C, Kampf SK, Ryan S, Covino T, MacDonald L, Gleason H. 2020. Connectivity of post-fire runoff and sediment from nested hillslopes and watersheds. Hydrological Processes. 

Kampf SK, Gannon BM, Wilson C, Saavedra F, Miller ME, Heldmyer A, Livneh B, Nelson P, MacDonald L, 2020. PEMIP: Post-fire erosion model inter-comparison Project. Journal of Environmental Management 268, 110704,

Gannon BM, Wei Y, MacDonald LH, Kampf SK, Jones KW, Cannon JB, Wolk BH, Cheng AS, Addington RN, Thompson MP, 2019. Prioritising fuels reduction for water supply protection. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 

Wilson C, Kampf S, Wagenbrenner J, MacDonald L, 2018. Rainfall thresholds for post-fire runoff and sediment delivery from plot to watershed scales. Forest Ecology and Management 430, 346-356. 

Schmeer SR, Kampf SK, MacDonald LH, Hewitt J, Wilson C. 2018. Empirical models of annual post-fire erosion on mulched and unmulched hillslopes. Catena 163, 276-287.

Jones KW, Cannon JB, Saavedra FA, Kampf SK, Addington RN, Cheng AS, MacDonald LH, Wilson C, Wolk B. 2017. Return on investment from fuel treatments to reduce severe wildfire and erosion in a watershed investment program in Colorado. Journal of Environmental Management 198, 66-77. 

Cotrufo MF, Boot CM, Kampf S, Nelson PA, Brogan DJ, Covino T, Haddix ML, MacDonald LH, Rathburn S, Ryan-Burkett S, Schmeer S, Hall E. 2016. Redistribution of pyrogenic carbon from hillslopes to stream corridors following a large montane wildfire. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30, 

Kampf SK, Brogan DJ, Schmeer S, MacDonald LH, Nelson PA. 2016. How do geomorphic effects of rainfall vary with storm type and spatial scale in a post-fire landscape? Geomorphology 273, 39-51. 

Nonperennial Streams

Peterson DA, Kampf SK, Puntenney‐Desmond KC, Fairchild MP, Zipper S, Hammond JC, Ross MRV & Sears MG, 2024. Predicting Streamflow Duration From Crowd‐Sourced Flow Observations. Water Resources Research, 60(1), e2023WR035093. 

DelVecchia AG, Shanafield M, Zimmer MA, Busch MH, Krabbenhoft CA, Stubbington R, Kaiser KE, Burrows RM, Hosen J, Datry T, Kampf SK, Zipper SC, Fritz K, Costigan K, Allen DC, 2022. Reconceptualizing non-perennial hyporheic zones. Freshwater Science 41(2).

Zipper SC, Hammond JC, Shanafield M, Zimmer M, Datry T, Jones CN, Kaiser KE, Godsey SE, Burrows RM, Blaszczak JR, Busch MH, Price AN, Boersma KS, Ward AS, Costigan K, Allen GH, Krabbenhoft CA, Dodds WK, Mims MC, Olden JD, Kampf SK, Burgin AJ, Allen DC, 2021. Pervasive changes in stream intermittency across the United States. Environmental Research Letters, 16(8), 084033. 

Kampf SK, Dwire KA, Fairchild MP, Dunham J, Snyder CD, Jaeger KL, Luce CH, Hammond JC, Wilson C, Zimmer MA, Sidell M, 2021. Managing nonperennial headwater streams in temperate forests of the United States. Forest Ecology and Management, 497, 119523. 

Jaeger KL, Hafen KC, Dunham JB, Fritz KM, Kampf SK, Barnhart TB, Kaiser KE, Sando R, Johnson SL, McShane RR, Dunn SB, 2021. Beyond Streamflow: Call for a National Data Repository of Streamflow Presence for Streams and Rivers in the United States. Water, 13(12), 1627.

Martin C, Kampf SK, Hammond, JC, Wilson C, Anderson SP, 2021. Controls on Streamflow Densities in Semiarid Rocky Mountain Catchments. Water, 13(4), 521. 

Hammond JC, Zimmer M, Shanafield M, Kaiser K, Godsey SE, Mims MC, Zipper SC, Burrows RM, Kampf SK, Dodds W, Jones CN, Krabbenhoft CA, Boersma K, Datry T, Olden JD, Allen GH, Price AN, Costigan K, Hale R, Ward AS, Allen DC. 2021. Spatial patterns and drivers of non-perennial flow regimes in the contiguous U.S. Geophysical Research Letters. 

Allen DC, Datry T, Boersma KS, Bogan MT, Boulton AJ, Bruno D, Busch MH, Costigan KH, Dodds WK, Fritz KM, Godsey SE, Jones JB, Kaletova T, Kampf SK, Mims MC, Neeson TM, Olden JD, Pastor AV, Poff NL, Ruddell BL, Ruhi A, Singer G, Vezza P, Ward AS, Zimmer M. 2020. River ecosystem conceptual models and non-perennial rivers: A critical review. WIREs Water. 

Busch MH, Costigan KH, Fritz KM, Datry T, Krabbenhoft CA, Hammond JC, Zimmer M, Olden J, Burrows RM, Dodds WK, Boersma KS, Shanafield M, Kampf SK, Mims MC ,Bogan MT, Ward AS, Rocha MP, Godsey S, Allen GH, Blaszczak JR, Jones CN, Allen DC. 2020. What’s in a Name? Patterns, Trends, and Suggestions for Defining Non-Perennial Rivers and Streams. Water, 12(7), 1980. 

Zimmer MA, Kaiser KE, Blaszczak JR, Zipper SC, Hammond JC, Fritz KM, Costigan KH, Hosen J, Godsey SE, Allen GH, Kampf S, Burrows RM, Krabbenhoft CA, Dodds W, Hale R, Olden JD, Shanafield M, DelVecchia AG, Ward AS, Mims MC, Datry T, Bogan MT, Boersma KS, Busch MH, Jones CN, Burgin AJ, Allen DC, 2020. Zero or not? Causes and consequences of zero-flow stream gage readings. WIREs Water,  

Shanafield M, Godsey S, Datry T, Hale R, Zipper SC, Costigan K, Krabbenhoft CA, Dodds, WK, Zimmer M, Allen DC, Bogan M, Kaiser KE, Burrows RM, Hammond JC, Busch M, Kampf S, Mims MC, Burgan A, Olden JD, (2020). Science gets up to speed on dry rivers. Eos, 101, 

Kampf SK, Faulconer J, Shaw JR, Lefsky M, Wagenbrenner JW, Cooper DW (2018). Rainfall thresholds for flow generation in desert ephemeral streams. Water Resources Research, 

Kampf S, Strobl B, Hammond J, Anenberg A, Etter S, Martin C, Puntenney-Desmond K, Seibert J, van Meerveld I, 2018. Testing the waters: Mobile apps for crowdsourced streamflow data, Eos, 99,

Kampf SK, Faulconer J, Shaw JR, Sutfin NA, Cooper DJ. 2016. Rain and channel flow supplements to subsurface water beneath ephemeral stream channels. Journal of Hydrology 536, 524-533. 

Hastings B, Kampf S. 2014. Evaluation of digital channel network derivation methods in a glaciated subalpine catchment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39(13), 1790-1802. 


Hammond JC, Sexstone GA, Putman AL, Barnhart TB, Rey DM, Driscoll JM, Liston GE, Rasmussen KL, McGrath D, Kampf SK, 2023. High resolution SnowModel simulations reveal future elevation-dependent snow loss and earlier, flashier surface wáter input for the upper Colorado River Basin. Earth’s Future 11(2), e2022EF003092,

Ma C, Fassnacht SR, Kampf SK, 2019. How Temperature Sensor Change Affects Warming Trends and Modeling – An Evaluation across the State of Colorado. Water Resources Research, 55(11), 9748-9764.

Hammond JC, Saavedra FA, Kampf SK, 2018. Global snow zone maps and trends in snow persistence 2001-2016. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 4369-4383, 

Saavedra FA, Kampf SK, Fassnacht SR, Sibold JS. 2018. Changes in Andes Mountains snow cover from MODIS data 2000–2014, The Cryosphere,  *highlighted in Nature Climate Change

Fassnacht SR, Lopez-Moreno JI, Ma C, Weber AN, Pfohl AKD, Kampf SK, Kappas M. 2017. Spatio-temporal snowmelt variability across the headwaters of the Southern Rocky Mountains. Frontiers of Earth Science. 

Saavedra FA, Kampf SK, Fassnacht SR, Sibold JS. 2017. A snow climatology of the Andes Mountains from MODIS snow cover data. International Journal of Climatology. 37: 1526-1539. 

Fassnacht SR, Sexstone GA, Kashipazha AH, López-Moreno JI, Jasinski MF, Kampf SK, Von Thaden BC, 2016. Deriving snow-cover depletion curves for different spatial scales from remote sensing and snow telemetry data. Hydrological Processes 30(11), 1708-1717. 

Moore C, Kampf S, Stone B, Richer E. 2015. A GIS-based method for defining snow zones: application to the western United States. Geocarto International 30(1), 62-81. 

Formetta G, Kampf SK, David O, Rigon R. 2014. Snow water equivalent modeling components in NewAge-JGrass. Geoscientific Model Development 7. 725-736, 

Richer EE, Kampf SK, Fassnacht SR, Moore CC, 2013.  Spatiotemporal index for analysing controls on snow climatology:  Application in the Colorado Front Range.  Physical Geography. 34(2), 85-107, 

Snowmelt Runoff

Kiewiet L, Trujillo E, Hendrick A, Havens S, Hale K, Seyfried M, Kampf S, Godsey S, 2022. Stream discharge depends more on the temporal distribution of water inputs than on yearly snowfall fractions for a headwater catchment at the rain-snow transition zone. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.

Robles MD, Hammond JC, Kampf SK, Biederman JA, Demaria EM. 2021. Winter inputs buffer streamflow sensitivity to snowpack losses in the Salt River Watershed in the Lower Colorado River Basin. Water. 13, 3. 

Hammond JC, Kampf SK, 2020. Subannual streamflow responses to rainfall and snowmelt inputs in snow-dominated watersheds of the western United States. Water Resources Research. 56, e2019WR026132, 

Hammond JC, Harpold AA, Weiss S, Kampf SK, 2019. Partitioning of snowmelt and rainfall in the critical zone: effects of climate type and soil properties. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 

Hammond JC, Saavedra FA, Kampf SK, 2018. How does snow persistence relate to annual streamflow in mountain watersheds of the western U.S. with wet maritime and dry continental climates? Water Resources Research 54(4), 2605-2623, 

Kampf S, Markus J, Heath J, Moore C. 2015. Snowmelt and soil moisture dynamics on steep subalpine hillslopes. Hydrological Processes 29(5), 712-723. 


Wilson S, Bhaskar A, Choat B, Kampf S, Green TR, Hopkins KG, 2022. Urbanization of grasslands in the Denver area affects streamflow responses to rainfall events. Hydrological Processes 36(10), e14720.

Harrison HN, Hammond JC, Kampf S, Kiewiet L, 2021. On the hydrological difference between catchments above and below the intermittent‐persistent snow transition. Hydrological Processes 35(11), e14411.

Eurich A, Kampf SK, Hammond JC, Ross M, Willi K, Vorster AG, Pulver B, 2021. Predicting mean annual and mean monthly streamflow in Colorado ungauged basins. River Research and Applications 37(4), 569-578.

Kampf SK, Lefsky MA. 2016. Transition of dominant peak flow source from snowmelt to rainfall along the Colorado Front Range: Historical patterns, trends, and lessons from the 2013 Colorado Front Range floods. Water Resources Research. 

Water Balance

Kampf SK, Burges SJ, Hammond JC, Bhaskar A, Covino TP, Eurich A, Harrison H, Lefsky M, Martin C, McGrath D, Puntenney-Desmond K, Willi K, 2020. The case for an open water balance: Re-envisioning network design and data analysis for a complex, uncertain world. Water Resources Research. 56(6), e2019WR026699, 

Kampf SK, Burges SJ, 2010.  Quantifying the water balance in a planar hillslope plot:  Effects of measurement errors on flow prediction.  Journal of Hydrology 380, 191-202. 

Hillslope Hydrology

Kampf SK, Mirus BB, 2020. Subsurface and surface flow leading to channel initiation. Treatise on Geomorphology, 


Kim J, Dwelle MC, Kampf SK, Fatichi S, Ivanov VY. 2016. On the non-uniqueness of the hydro-geomorphic responses in a zero-order catchment with respect to soil moisture. Advances in Water Resources. 92, 73-89. 

Lanini JS, Dozier AQ, Furey PR, Kampf SK, 2014. Stochastic method for examining vulnerability of hydropower generation and reservoir operations to climate change: Case study of Dworshak Reservoir in Idaho. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 140(9). 

Kampf S, Richer E, 2014.  Estimating source regions for snowmelt runoff in a Rocky Mountain basin:  Tests of a data-based conceptual modeling approach.  Hydrological Processes 28, 2237-2250.  https://doi.org10.1002/hyp.9751 

Furey PR, Kampf SK, Lanini J, Dozier A, 2012.  A stochastic conceptual modeling approach for examining the effects of climate change on streamflows in mountain basins.  Journal of Hydrometeorology June, pp. 837-855. 

Kampf SK, 2011.  Variability and persistence of hillslope initial conditions:  A continuous perspective on subsurface flow response to rain events.  Journal of Hydrology 404, 176-185. 

Mirus BB, Loague K, Cristea NC, Burges SJ, Kampf SK, 2011.  A synthetic hydrologic-response dataset.  Hydrological Processes, 

Mirus B, Loague K, VanderKwaak J, Kampf S, Burges S, 2009.  A hypothetical reality of Tarrawarra-like hydrologic response.  Hydrological Processes 

Kampf SK, Burges SJ, 2007a.  A framework for classifying and comparing distributed hillslope and catchment hydrologic models.  Water Resources Research. 43, W05423. 

Kampf SK,  Burges SJ, 2007b.  Parameter estimation for a physics-based distributed hydrologic model using measured outflow fluxes and internal moisture states.  Water Resources Research 43, W12414. 


Cristea NC, Kampf SK, Burges SJ, 2013.  Revised coefficients for Priestley-Taylor and Makkink-Hansen equations for estimating daily reference evapotranspiration.  Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 18, 1289-1300. 

Cristea N, Kampf SK, Burges SJ, 2013.  Linear models for estimating annual and growing season reference evapotranspiration using averages of weather variables.  International Journal of Climatology. 33(2), 376-387. https://doi.org10.1002/joc.3430 

Cadol D,Kampf S, Wohl E, 2012.  Effects of evapotranspiration on baseflow in a tropical headwater catchment.  Journal of Hydrology 462-463, 4-14. 

Kampf SK,  Tyler SW, 2006.  Spatial characterization of evaporation and land surface energy fluxes at the Salar de Atacama, Northern Chile using ASTER image classification.  Advances in Water Resources 29:  336-354. 

Kampf SK, Tyler SW, Ortiz C,  Muñoz JF, Adkins P, 2005.  Evaporation and land surface energy budget at the Salar de Atacama, Northern Chile.  Journal of Hydrology 310, pp. 236-252.