Communications is about moving information from point A to point B, but the computer revolution is fundamentally changing the nature of communication. Information is increasingly created, manipulated, stored, and transmitted in digital form-even signals that are fundamentally analog. Audio recording/playback, wired telephony, wireless telephony, audio and video broadcast-all of these nominally analog communications media have adopted, or are adopting, digital standards. Entities responsible for providing communications networks, both wired and wireless, are faced with the staggering challenge of keeping up with the exponentially growing demand for digital communications traffic. More and more, communications is about moving bits from point A to point B.

Digital communications embraces an enormous variety of applications, with radically different constraints. The transmission medium can be a twisted pair of copper wire, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, or wireless-via any number of different frequency bands. The transmission rate can range from a few bits per second for an industrial control signal communicating across a factory floor to 32 kbits/second for compressed voice, 2 Mb/s for MPEG compressed video, 155 Mbps for a SONET data trunk, and beyond. Some transmission schemes are constrained by formal standards, others are free-lance or developmental. The richness of design and architectural alternatives produced by such variety boggles the mind. The digital communications topic is so vast as to defy a comprehensive treatment in anything less than a shelf of books.

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This simple case, familiar to anyone who has had an introductory course in digital circuit design, reveals several of the important elements in establishing a digital communications system. First, the transmitter and receiver must agree upon the "levels" that are to be transmitted: in this case, what voltage constitutes a transmitted "1", and what voltage level constitutes a transmitted "0". This allows the receiver to select the right threshold for its decision element; incorrect setting of this threshold means that the transmitted data will not be recovered (Figure 2b). Second, the transmitter and receiver must agree on the transmission frequency; if the receiver "slices" at a different rate than the bits are being transmitted, the correct bit sequence will not be recovered (2c). In fact, as we'll see in a moment, there must be agreement on both frequency and phase of the transmitted signal.


Antenna , radiation pattern, antenna types, antenna gain, propagation modes, types of fading.Model for wireless digital communication, multiple access technique-SDMA, TDMA, FDMA,CDMA, DAMA, PRMA, MAC/CA, Cellular network organization, operations of cellular system,mobile radio propagation effects, handoff, power control, sectorization, traffic engineering,Infinite sources, lost calls cleared, grade of service, poison arrival process

The article discusses the development of megacities transport infrastructure. The problem of traffic congestion is touched upon, the task of optimal road design is justified. In the context of these issues gives a system of wireless video monitoring of traffic flows on base of digital panoramic video images. The main objective is to obtain a universal mathematical model for the description of a radio signal with any type of digital modulation. This will greatly facilitate the parametric calculation of the radio channel for image transmission and the design of the monitoring system. The objective is achieved by applying the Fourier method of separation of variables in combination with computer simulation methods. As result, a highly accurate universal mathematical model of radio signal with digital modulation is proposed. The scientific novelty of the model is that it allows to simulate the propagation of a radio signal with an arbitrary waveform. Thanks to this, the model covers almost all common types of digital modulation of the radio signal. In addition, the model takes into account the internal noise of the equipment and the external interference of the radio channel. The article describes in detail the process of solving the wave equation, underlying the model. Examples of modeling are given, the advantages and disadvantages of the model are indicated. Recommendations are made on its use for calculating radio channels and designing systems for analyzing and developing the transport infrastructure of a megacity.

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