The Goal Book In Hindi Pdf Free Download

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,           SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals set   SMART goals are clear, concrete, realistic, meaningful, and have a deadline. You should also write down your goals and review them regularly.

 ,  visualization     Visualization is the process of creating a mental image of your desired outcome. It helps you to activate your subconscious mind, which works to attract the resources and opportunities you need to achieve your goals. You should visualize your goals as if they are already accomplished, and feel the emotions associated with them.

Finally, you should keep track of your progress and adjust your actions accordingly. You should measure your results and compare them with your expectations. You should also celebrate your achievements and reward yourself for your efforts. If you face any obstacles or challenges, you should overcome them with persistence and creativity. You should also learn from your mistakes and failures and use them as feedback to improve yourself. 66dfd1ed39

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