Kamassian language

Kamassian language

Kamassian Language revival project.

Alphabet for Kamassian:

Cyrillic letter - UPA

и - i

е - е or ɛ (some books do not distinguish between e and ɛ using e for both sounds)

ǝ - ǝ IPA [e̽]

ӱ - ü

ӧ/ё -ӧ (you can use either ö or ё)

ы - i̮ (IPA ɨ)

э - e̮

ө - ə̂ (ə̂ makes the schwa sound)

а - a and å (some books do not distinguish a and å using a for both sounds)

у - u

о - o

ӄ = k͔ or k͔', it is basically K but made further back in the mouth, like the IPA Q

ў = w / u with inverted breve below, or even β (IPA w)

й = j/i with inverted breve below

т = t

д = d

с = s

б = b

з = z

н = n

л =l or л

р = r

ь = ', marks platalization,

х = h

ӽ = x

ф = f, according to K.Donner there was also a very rare sound ϑ, which would also be typed as ф.

ғ = γ

ӈ or ҥ = ŋ, in English and Finnish t is typed "ng". (you can use either one)

ш = š (SH in English)

ж = ž

´ stop in speech, aka a glottal stop ( ʔ )

ҷ = dž (though this letter is not mandatory to use)

ԥ = aspirated P,

ҭ = aspirated T, t͑ (note t͑ means aspiration and ť platalization, do not confuse the two!)

қ = aspirated K , k͑, do not confuse with platalized ḱ.

я = ja, jå, 'a, 'å

ю =ju, 'u

в = v (only in some loanwords, usually only used by the last speakers)

If you type in a "Latin alphabet" use the UPA symbols, which are very similar to the latin alphabet.

if typing on a "Latin alphabet", use ' to mark aspirated consonants, the UPA also uses it to mean aspiration


ле = bone (related to Finnish "luu")

саамӱй = most (Russsian loan)

сӱй = heart (related to Finnish "sydän", and Hungarian szív)

бӱ(ӱ)= water (distantly related to Finnish "Vesi" and Hungarian víz)

иине = horse

ӄалөп = form

штооб = so that, that, in order to (Russian loan)

пака = while (Russian loan)

шеерǝ = to feel ashamed, to feel bad, to feel sorry, to be ashamed

сабǝн = soap

каамөнда = ever

каамөнда ей = never

малйи = little, allone

да = and, yes Russian loan)

али = or (Russian loan)

кийен/гийен = where

наадо = need, have to, necessary (Russian loan)

ԥе = year

кӱрб- = take picture

коӈ = chief

пьеери = around

ушоо = yet, still, nor (Russian loan)

бать= armpit

бǝр/бөр = smoke

бǝрзǝби = smoky

бөруйдьаабǝ = break, crack

бит = drink

бӱф = drink

кур = mere

биеелǝн = ready, done, finished

машина = machine, car (Russian loan) (KV)

бооби´ = wild pepper

меении = high, great, tall

йииле = smaller, lesser, worse, reduced

йильгǝн = below, downstairs, underneath

нǝгенде = above, up

нум = sky, weather

ала´- = build, make, manufacture

маньǝк = near, close by, close to

дөргит = similar, same, like (adjective)

тьеньее- = think

яӄшө = good (Turkic loan)

aрө = bigness, size

пяӈдǝнна саазөн = Book, letter, printed matter, paper that has text

ǝм- = eat

амǝш = food

ӄу = ear (related to Finnish "korva")

сеги = yellow

оой = white blue

тору = brown¨

улу = head

яда = village

урғо = big, large

базо´ = again

қооза = next, in a row

ерте = morning, early, tomorrow

ҭаалдьен = yesterday

ҭай = earlier, recently, before, long time ago.

уя = meat (distantly related to Finnish "liha")

сӱт = milk

икко/иӄӄоо = many

меӈгəй = fox

мен = dog

көй = animal

мал = cattle, animal

ҭера = item, thing

нӱке = wife

оньи´ = single (KV)

всйотаки = anyway (KV)

пушай = shall be (Russian loan) (KV)

и = also (Russian loan)

давай = come on (Russian loan) (KV)

бӱзье = husband

ԥи = stone (related to Finnish “piikivi”)

нага = doesn't exists, doesn't have, not, negative, isn't, don't have (maybe related to Hungarian "nincs")

шамнак = spoon

пу´ма = sharpen

бы = if (Russian loan) (KV)

нулдə = place

панар = kiss

шер = dress

ма´ = house, hut (maybe related to Finnish "maja")

шиндə = who

шиндин = whose

дьала = day

и´гö = many

штобы = that, so that (Russian loan)

куриза = hen

кере´ = need, one needs (maybe related with Hungarian kér and Finnish kerjätä)

тоспак = cat

ну = well (Russian loan)

пьеш = stove

сире´п = sugar (Appears to be formed from the word "сире" meaning snow)

тоже = also (Russian loan)

дьок = no, not, no!

ӱге = always

даре = so

нагоби = was not, did not, did not exists, did not have.

тустьар = salt

намǝн = for (postposition)

дьӱр = disappear

куўас = beautiful

бержə = wind

шö´ = sew

но = tatar (sometimes also used for Kamasins)

бийе = steppe Tatar

аба = father

аяӈ = steppe

аа´дǝжǝт = pathless, without a path

адөр = soon, yet

аами = another

амну = horn

арба = grain, wheat

аарда = right

аарǝ = clean, pure

баа = price

бай = rich

бал- = fall apart, break (1ps,sg: балльам)

-бе = either, or. (иинебе ҭӱжоибе = either a horse or a cow), -be is an ending.

ӱжӱ = hat

ӱйӱ = foot

ургаўааўа = moon

узӱ = pray

усьтань = big rat

унь = flour

улу = head

уда = arm/hand

чиньде = sheet

чима = tail

чи = sky

ча = pus

ҭе = war

ҭимье = tooth

шал = strength

тӱй = now

нӱнöр = wet

нӱй = sing

шапку = scythe

ато = otherwise

ши = hole

унньа / уньǝ = alone

сурдо = milk

дьабактəр = speak

толька = only (Russian loan)

дьӱр = disappear

айə = door

ҭенӱ = word

ха = make

хьама = boot

маӈзəр = hurry

мьаӈ = flow

балдə = soften

бьалдəр = chat

кама´ = forehead

кьама = marrow

шǝн еерген = fence post

шǝкǝ/шекǝ/шǝккǝ/шиккǝ = language, tongue

балту = axe

намǝн = for (postposition: ди намǝн = for it)

камǝн = when (postposition)

коот = rib

сай = off

ҭуксу = against

боос = pregnant

тажə = downstream

каан = khan

ми = give

шӱ = fire

шӱимǝ = mare

казǝр = wild

аскǝр = stallion

мая = mountain (related to Finnish "maa")

қоола = fish (related to Finnish "kala" and Hungarian "hal")

ҭу = lake (related to Hungarian tó, maybe related to Finnish “suo”, however controversial)

ԥа = tree, forest, wood (related to Finnish "puu" and Hungarian "fa")

ешши = child (irregular plural: ессеҥ)

булан = moose (irregular plural: булаан)

қӱ = to die (related to Finnish "kuolla" and Hungarian (meg)hal)

падьи = probably

улар = sheep

ман = say (мамбиян = i said)

ӱзə = descend

дьу = earth, ground

мунəй/мунуй = egg (related to Finnish "muna")

кере´ = one needs/need (related to Finnish "kerjätä" and Hungarian kér)

дак = so (Russian loan)

шошка = pig

мултук = gun

ку´ = kill

пар = return

ку = see

айир = love, pity (айирби = he/she/it loved)

сӱйö = bird

гиргит = what kind

диргит = such

голос = voice (Russian loan)

ньешпəк = thick

дибəр = there

Нулдə = set up

барин = nobleman

ну = stand

куйорок = angry

тоспак = cat

ха = do, make

аспа´= cauldron

таҥ = strongly, hard

кабарлəй = enough

Мазəро = smoke hole

дьелам = Sayan mountains

қӱ = to die

сьа = climb

ньемсə = German

нӱдьи = evening

батинка = shoe

база = wash (probably related to Finnish "pestä", compare "базальам" and pesen)

ним = name (related to Finnish "nimi)

шээ = that there (probably related to Finnish "se")

сим = eye (related to Finnish "silmä" and Hungarian szem)

ей = not (related to Finnish "ei")

пасиба = thanks

ну = well

лучше = better (KV)

кипарис = Cupressus

ӄазан тура/ ӄазан ҭура = Aginskoye

тиби = man

дьзьалбак улузəби қуза = idiot

соло = Karagas

кодо = Kott

джирык = Siberian Russian

койбол = Koibal

кааш = Khakas

иил = people

уражə = ancient Siberian people

сояан = Soyot

дьес = copper

шӱргет = elbow

коошка = cat

каан = khan

бать = shoulder

ши = hole

шишши = cold

шултаӄ = short

шееме/шööме = calm, quiet

ҭарзеўиҭӱ´ = moth, cockroach

на´б = duck

сурар = ask

нӱн = hear

ҭе´бне = rotten, decaying

пьел/ пьеел = half (related to Finnish “puoli” and Hungarian fél)

деф / дет = bring (ф = ϑ)

мин = go (related to Finnish “mennä” and Hungarian “menni”)

миӈгем = I go

бержи = hunt in the steppe

самəй = hunt in the mountain forest

шили = sable

ньага = Burunduk

тажəьб = squirrel

сöйе = capercaillie

уӈа = partridge

мöö = arrow

ньа = bullet (related to Finnish “nuoli” and Hungarian nyíl)

инə = bow

мöö = arrow

мийе = soup

санə = nut

кöберген = onion

тамгу = tobacco

тейме = ski/snowshoe

шор = sledge

баппə = bed

парга = furcoat

пальто = coat

кӱйнек = shirt, blouse

аа = summit in the Sayan

аяӈ = steppe

сире = snow

öр = family, clan, tribe

балту = axe

балдə = soften

сай = off

вот = look!

а = but

дö = that

кабар = grap

Улар = sheep

Чай = tea

Ӄазак = Russian

тура = house

шидеегу´ = two together

наағурғо = three together

сумнаҥго = four together

ньи´ньен = outside

(д)жағазǝгей = two rivers

ҭейнен = today (appears similar to Finnish “tänään”)

каажьук = ankle

жеедӱ = Batula nana

ǝмби = what?

кайет = which, what kind?

кӱмен = how much, how many

иидǝ = this there, the one (there)

дǝм = this here

шǝнди = who

көдө = how

ги´и´ = which? who?

шиндиде = someone

ǝмбиде = sometime

гиибǝрдǝ = to somewhere

гǝ´идǝ = someone

нерее = be afraid

пааргǝ = cut

ну = stand

нульам = I stand

не = woman (related to Finnish “nainen” and Hungarian “nő”)

арарби = thin, lean

арту´ = superfluous, unnecessary

арө = handle

аарөж = rye

арчǝ = rope, to hold reindeer and dogs

арчǝмаӄ = suitcase

аазө- = to step, climb, rise

баа = price

алтǝней = golden

но´ = grass

аспалла´ = kettle

чи = belt

ко´птǝ = girl

сьукут = trough

көс = coal

чеерге = middle

ургааба = bear

Numbers from K.Donner

о´м/о´ў = o

шиде = two

наағур = three

ҭее´да = four

сумна = five

мукту´ = six

сей´бӱ = seven

шөнтее´д = eight

аамитун = nine

бьийǝ´н/ бье´ = ten

бьееноб/бьееноў = eleven

шидееби´ = twenty

наағурбиǝ´ = thirty

ӄөроӄ = forty

йениӽ = fifty

алҭоон = sixty

дьӱс = hundred

маагурдьӱс = three hundred

мөҥ = thousand

(Numbers from Klavdya Plotnikova)

бье´ оньи´ = eleven

бье´ шиде = twelve

бье´ ҭее´да = fourteen

бье´ сумна = fiveteen

бье´ сей´бӱ = seventeen

бье´ шөнтее´д = eighteen

бье´ аамитун = nineteen

шиде бье´ = twenty

сто = hundred

наағур бье´ = thirty

ара = alcohol

грам = gram (KV)

джабактəр = speak (also spelled дьабактəр)

ўаштар = first

шидеегит = second

наагургит/наағургит = third

сумнаӈгит = fifth

ообуӈ қатьей = once

шидǝӈ қатьей = twice

наағуруӈ қатьей = thrice

шидǝ ӄат баат = two times the price

наағурғат баат = three times the price

наағургет ӱльӱш = a third part

ӱльӱш = part, piece

нашто = whatfor

дьабаро = fight (дьабролиал/лиял = you fight)

яблока = apple (KV)

Нулдə = set up

дö´ə = hence

крупа = groats

ньилгö = listen

лес = forest (“ԥа” can mean forest or tree, “лес” can only mean a forest) (KV)

крават = bed

дöн = here

журавль = crane (bird)

сузǝй = bladder

садар = sell

дагай = knife

ӄи/ қи = month, moon (related to Finnish “kuu” and Hungarian “hold”)

иинǝ/йиинǝ = bow (related to Finnish “jousi”)

ӄада = nail (possibly related to Finnish “kynsi” and Hungarian köröm)

йиль = under (probably related to Finnish “alla” and Khanty “il”)

йилдə = down (same root as йил)

йильгəн = under (locative case)

е´бте = hair (related to Finnish “hapsi”)

ԥөрзе = high (probably related to Proto-Samoyedic “*pirə” and thus to Finnish “pitkä”)

ҭар = feather (maybe a cognate with Nenets to ‘wing’)

ӄообөр = empty

ӄообөр саанǝ = empty nut

қоолан ӄадардǝ = fish fin

қоолан ԥӱйе = fish mouth

қоолан ҭаар = fish gill

комдǝ = harden

база комдǝ = harden iron

ӄоомөс = balalaika

ӄоомөс сеерǝ = play the balalaika

ӄоорум = mountain

куӽлаўа = kill

ӄульа´ = see, look

ӄульа´льом = I see

дьағам ӄульа´бийом = I saw a/the river

қу´ = cough

қу´л = sow

қӱӱрӱпь = pit

қӱсь = edge, corner

қӱқ = green

қӱӱли = possession, belonging

қӱсьӱби = square, edgy, angular

лада = menstruation

леей = swan

лей´мьǝ = nutshell

икко ԥе = many years

улар иӄӄоо = many sheep

яӄшазǝби = good like, nice

аяӈзǝби = steppe like

-а question ending

малала = can you?

тьабоонзǝ = want to hold

ҭумьо = mouse

бар о´б тьогǝн = all together, all in one place

пааролди = surrounding

сӱнне қуза = entering person

нуузан шəкəт = tatar language

ертараӄ = earlier

урӽоораӄ = taller

крос = cross

нöре = fish trap

аш = rye

каба = tree juice

араа = brandy

аш то´бдəна машина = threshing machine

сьу´ = move to another place

то = reindeer

альма = sleep

альмажет = sleepless

альбөрǝ = to fill

аӈ = mouth (probably related to Finnish “avata” and Proto-Uralic *aŋa)

аӈгол = rejoice, be glad

аарий = little, very little, small

ба´ф/ ба´д = throw, throw off, throw away

баф/ баах = to cut, to slice

-бе = either

for example: иинебе ҭӱжоибе = either a horse or a cow.

беержǝ = wind

ўөзөй = particularly, especially

биле = bad, poor, obsolete, unfit

билемньем = I get weak

билəтəр = deal with some mistake

бора = grey

букле = all

Main Grammar

In Kamassian there are seven cases, they are the nominative, genitive, accusative, lative, locative, ablative and the instrumental. These endings can slightly vary depending on the ending of the word which the case is being applied to. For example, the lative case can have an ending of нǝ/нө or дǝ/тǝ.

When the word ends in a vowel the lative ending is нǝ/нө and when in a consonant it is дǝ/тǝ.

шооми ‘larch tree’ in the cases:

No: шооми = larch tree

Ge: шоомин = larch tree’s

Ac: шоомим larch tree (direct object)

La: шоомиинө = to a larch tree

Lo: шоомииғөн = on a larch tree

Ab: шоомииғө´ = from larch tree

In: шоомиизе´ = with a larch tree

The plural is formed by заӈ ~ -зеӈ ~ -саӈ ~ -сеӈ

The plural comes before the case ending. There are some irregular plurals, like the plural of “ешши” is “ессеӈ”. However, these are rare. Sometimes an ending - лар is also used.

Note: if the word ends in a “k” the letter usually disappears when put into cases. As an example: иппек ‘bread’ and ипен ‘bread’s’.

Some other changes that can be seen are that the letter “T” in the middle became a “D” when conjugated. However, this change can only be observed in the genitive, and accusative cases.

ӄоот = rib

ӄоодөн = rib’s

ӄоодөм = rib (direct object)

ӄоттө = to a rib

ӄоткун = on a rib

ӄотсье´ = with a rib

Other similar changes are:

s into z or ž (аабөс ‘priest’, аабөзөн ‘priest’s’

pp into p (иппек ‘bread’, ипен ‘bread’s’

š into ž (ҭарбош ‘rake’ ҭарбожөн ‘rake’s’)

Plural cases






rivers (direct object)


to the rivers


at the rivers


from the rivers


with the rivers

загǝй is the dual ending, meaning two.


two rivers

(note: джаға can also be spelled as дьаға or жаға)


In Kamassian there are 2 groups of verb conjugations, the subjective and objective. However, these are two similar.


1sg нереельем

2sg нереельел

3sg нереелье

1du нереелбӱй

2du нерееллӱй

3du нереелгӱй

1pl нереелбе´

2pl нереелле´

3pl нереельеейе




I go


you go


he/she goes


we two go


you two go


they two go


we go


you (plural) go


they go


1sg пааргǝльам

2sg пааргǝльал

3sg пааргǝльат

1du пааргǝлбӱй

2du пааргǝллий

3du пааргǝлдий

1pl пааргǝлба´

2pl пааргǝлла

3pl пааргǝдǝн

Past tense


1sg нереебьем

2sg нереебьел

3sg нерееби

1du нереебиибӱй

2du нереебиилӱй

3du нереебиигий

1pl нереебиибе´

2pl нереебииле´

3pl нереебии´и´

The word ‘to be’ conjugated in the subjective:


I am


you are


he/she is


we two are


you two are


they two are


we are


you (plural) are

и ́геейe ́

they are


I was


you were


he/she was


we two were


you two were


they two were


we were


you (plural) were


they were

Intransitive verbs belong to the subjective and transitive verbs to objective.



I would come


you would come


he/she would come


we two would come


you two would come


they two would come


we would come


you (plural) would come


they would come

Future tense


I will come


you will come


he/she will come


we two will come


you two will come


they two will come


we will come

шолǝла ́

you (plural) will come

шолǝйǝ ́

they will come

Deverbal nouns

Instrumental nouns have the ending (п)зан/зен/зǝн

на´ ‘scrape’ на´зан ‘scraper’

Deberbal nouns end in (ǝ)ш

ǝм- = eat

амǝш = food

The endings: на, нна, не or нǝ (after a vowel) and да, де, ди or дǝ after a consonant, make a meaning that roughly can be compared to the English ending "-ing".

пааролди = surrounding

сӱнне қуза = entering person





my house


my houses


to my house


to my houses


our house (2 people)


our house


our houses


his/her house


your house


your (plural) house


Kamassian is an SOV language, while English is a SVO language. So Kamassian word order is subject-object-verb. However, in the imperative forms, the verb comes first, having VO word order.

дизеӈ шидегəн ма´гəн амнаи´

They live in two tents

Kamassian example text from Klavdya.

дигǝттǝ мана ӄумбииь ӄазаан тураанǝ

“then they took me to Aginskoe”

дин мана крос ембии´,

“there they put a cross to me”

дигǝттǝ ма´ньи шобииь, биппииь араа

“then they came to my home, drank liquor”

сьарбии´, сӱ´мǝ´пии´

“played, danced”

урғаям ӄамби

“my grandmother went”

ман иям дизьə´

”my mother with her”

иям иби боскунду

“my mother took (me) with her”

дигǝттǝ мимби ке´бди

“then she went (to) berry”

дигǝттǝ едǝби дим ԥанǝ,

“then she hung it to a tree”

а босту ӄамби ке´бди ниӈгǝсьтə

“and she herself went picking berries”

дигǝттǝ дьӱрдöби дин

“then she went astray there”

мандǝрбиал, мандǝрбиал

” you looked, looked”

дигǝттǝ ман дим куби

” then I found her”

External links

Kamassian - youtube

Kamassian - twitter

Kamassian learning site

Kamassian memrise