
At LMU Munich, I teach two graduate-level courses: Urban Economics is a graduate-level introduction to the economic theory and empirics of the city. Epidemics in Economic History introduces students to recent research on the economic impact of diseases, epidemics and long-run health development. When I gave this course at HU Berlin in 2021, I was awarded the department-wide teaching price for the best seminar.

During my time at HU Berlin (2016-2022), I was a teaching assistant for two graduate-level courses on European Economic History (1800-1914; 1914-today). In 2019, I gave both the lecture and the TA sessions. At HU, I also regularly gave a seminar in economic geography titled Geography and Growth, both with Thilo Albers and Nikolaus Wolf. As part of the seminar, I introduce students to the open source GIS software QGIS. Based on this seminar, I was short-listed for the university-wide Humboldt teaching price in 2018, and listed first in the economics department.

In 2018, I also taught Empirical Economics, a Stata-based undergraduate-level introduction to causal inference and empirical methods.

Outside university, I am a co-organizer and lecturer at the annual AGORA Summer School in Philosophy, Politics and Economics since 2016 (in German).