
Found 63 again -

US hopes Russia will keep letting

Israel hit Iran in Syria


From Danish to English (and many other languages)...




Subject: Re: Found 63 again - US hopes Russia will keep

letting Israel hit Iran in Syria -

Re: 2018 uge 45 (news samlet)

Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 10:58:23 +0100, GMT 09:58

Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

21029 news:5be408c7$0$688$14726298@news.sunsite.dk


and ...



Subject: Re: Found 63 again - US hopes Russia will keep

letting Israel hitIran in Syria -

Re: 2018 uge 45 (news samlet)

Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 11:06:05 +0100, GMT 10:06

Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

21030 news:5be40a95$0$676$14726298@news.sunsite.dk




___ quote begin _______________________________

Den 08-11-2018 kl. 10:58 skrev Kall, Mogens:

> -


> Den 08-11-2018 kl. 10:20 skrev Kall, Mogens:


> Newsgroups:

> dk.politik

> Subject: Found 63 again - US hopes Russia will keep letting

> Israel hit Iran in Syria -

> Re: 2018 uge 45 (news samlet)

> Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 10:20:41 +0100, GMT 09:20

> Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

> 21028 news:5be3fff0$0$673$14726298@news.sunsite.dk

> https://sites.google.com/site/etfootsteps/home/2018-10-30/21-028

> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/dk.politik/YKcifhv4otk/h4EkOYHgAQAJ


>> US hopes Russia will keep letting Israel hit Iran in Syria


>> “Israel has an existential interest in blocking Iran from

>> deploying long-range power projection systems."


>> By Tovah Lazaroff, REUTERS

>> November 7, 2018 21:24

>> https://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/US-hopes-Russia-will-keep-letting-Israel-hit-Iran-in-Syria-571334



>> Kommentar:


>> Hmm ... (memory on from) ...


>> Newsgroups:

>> News:dk.politik

>> News:no.kultur.folklore.ufo

>> Subject: Found 2*42 (Smoke them out) -

>> Re: Found 063 (Admiral Kuznetsov) -

>> Re: Found UFO-indicia (10*Pi) -

>> Re: Russia's sole aircraft carrier damaged after crane

>> crashes into it 2018-10-30. Einem 2+42 ? -

>> Re: 2018 uge 45 (news samlet)

>> Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2018 21:21:39 +0100, GMT 20:21

>> Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

>> 21024 news:5be3495a$0$680$14726298@news.sunsite.dk

>> https://sites.google.com/site/etfootsteps/home/2018-10-30/21-024

>> https://sites.google.com/site/kallpol4/home/countries/russia/20-xxx/21-024


>> https://sites.google.com/site/kallpol4/home/countries/russia/21-xxx/21-024


>> https://sites.google.com/site/kallpol4/home/issues/hacker-attack/21-024

>> https://sites.google.com/site/kallpol4/home/issues/smoke-them-out/21-024

>> https://sites.google.com/site/kallpol4/home/issues/terminator/21-024

>> https://sites.google.com/site/snufo000/home/stem-paa/hundeluftnings-partiet/21-024

>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/dk.politik/YKcifhv4otk/vQCxS_61AQAJ

>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/no.kultur.folklore.ufo/ZveFTQsNaDA/jY2QRBVNAgAJ




>> Der er i hvert fald risiko for, at det kan komme til at koste

>> dem MEGET dyrt, hvis de ikke gør det!


>> (KUN en *tåbe* sidder sådanne informationer 20.963 and 21.024

>> overhørig!)





>> Found:

>> 20.963


>> Anhold:

>> 63


>> Compare with ...


>> UFO-indicia (10*Pi)

>> 21024 news:5be3495a$0$680$14726298@news.sunsite.dk

>> https://sites.google.com/site/etfootsteps/home/2018-10-30/21-024

>> >

>> > 4.

>> >

>> > > Bemærk 063:

>> > > Meteor, 2018-10-11, CET 03:36:16, 193, 062 ...

>> > > (tallene er *omtrentlige*)

>> > >

>> > > Apropos ...

>> > > Admiral Kuznetsov bærer nummeret 063 på skibssiden!

>> >

>> > =>

>> > _____________________________________Focus

>> > ________Time____________________Kurs_V___5______36______39

>> > 12 Mete 2018-10-11, CET 03:36:16 193 062 ...



>> Hmm ...


>> Out 20.963, ... 14, 2018-10-11, CET 10:40:xx ... 3,145


>> Det var dette meteor, der indeholdt informationer om Pi, apropos

>> output 10*Pi



>> Hmm ...



>> 209 *krypteret*


>> Can we find it?


>> Searchstring on!


>> 20.9 /2

>> =

>> 10.45



>> Tallet er IKKE helt det samme som 10*Pi



>> Hmm ...


>> Un moment, s'il vous plaît ... :-)


>> -



>> 21028



> 33,083 or 326,917 and 68,967 Russia Murmansk


> [

> NB! Teksten i dette klammeri er tilføjer EFTER 10:45-breaket!


> +326,917

> -209

> =

> 110.467


> Hmm ...


> square rod (110,467)


> 110,467^(1/2)

> =

> 10,51...


> Hmm ...


> FORTSAT lidt for højt et tal (i forhold til 10)! ... :-(


> ]


> Og netop i det samme hørte jeg en røst fra Himlen (perhaps

> the voice of ET; altså en udenjordisk civilisation på besøg

> i vort solsystem eller rettere: en bejler til Menneskeheden),

> der sagde:

> (2018-11-08, Thursday, day no 312, CET 10:45, GMT 09:45)

> - "Target


> Nå da da!


> De er ved at fyrre op under kulkedlen!


> 46

> - "Found."


> 46

> - "Input"


> 46

> - "destination"


> 47

> - "to"


> 47

> - "Zero"


> 47

> - "Point"


> 47

> - "5"



> 21029

Hmm ...


68°58′N 33°5′Ø














