Parallel Client Download


HI, dear ,now I have a scenarios for parallel multi instance of external task , for example , I set the 5 instance for one external task ,the topic in model is postDealChart , now I want to start five application client to subscribe the topic in parallel , but it is failed.

I do not have access to my computer during the day and my cell phone is not able to do what I need it to. The tv2000 app is great but I need more size and capability. I discovered parallels client yesterday and plan on buying a tablet today, preferably an iPad solely for the purpose of viewing tc2000. I have a few questions:

I run TC2000 Anywhere on Android (both phone and tablet) and on a Kindle Fire HD 10 (which is just an Android variant), but a colleague who uses it regularly on a much wider variety of devices thinks the best experience is on an iPad. Of what I use, the Android phone and tablet are better than the Kindle (even though the client is identical). I don't really know why the Kindle doesn't do as well as the other Android devices.

I am using a friends iPad at the moment without the keyboard accessory. I really like the parallels client app but it can be a bit slow. Also, apple does not make keyboard accessory with touchpad, but just the external keyboard. Whereas both Microsoft and Samsung have keyboard with touchpad.

I don't have a mouse or trackpad attached to any of my tablets or phones (but as mentioned do use a keyboard most of the time), so I can't say for sure. I am asking around to see if anybody else has tried using the iOS or Android client with a pointer device (it seems likely somebody has, but we will see).

I don't recall ever seeing the circle you describe in the Android client at all (although maybe I am misunderstanding your description), but my guess is it is a "loading icon" of some sort. I have a 20ms ping time to the server and a synchronous 1 Gbps connection. If my guess is correct, it would be a result of a large portion of the screen changing at once. Large graphics changes can involve large amounts of data needing to be moved which can slow things down with a sub-optimal internet connection.

One of the goals of the ________ application is enabling data analysis andvisualization for large datasets. 1________ was born out of the need forvisualizing simulation results from simulations run on supercomputingresources that are often too big for a single desktop machine tohandle. To enable interactive visualization of such datasets, 2________ usesremote and/or parallel data processing. The basic concept is that if adataset cannot fit on a desktop machine due to memory or otherlimitations, we can split the dataset among a cluster of machines,driven from your desktop. In this chapter, we will look at the basicsof remote and parallel data processing using 3________. For information onsetting up clusters, please refer to the 4________Wiki [ThePCommunity].

In the case of ParaView, remote processing refers to the concept ofhaving a client, typically paraview or pvpython, connecting to a pvserver, whichcould be running on a different, remote machine. All the dataprocessing and, potentially, the rendering can happen on thepvserver. The client drives the visualization process bybuilding the visualization pipeline and viewing the generated results.

You will need to set a name for the connection, the server type, theDNS name of the host on which you just started the server, and theport. The default Server Type is set to Client / Server, whichmeans that the server will be listening for an incoming connectionfrom the client. There are several other options for this setting thatwe will discuss later.

ParaView does not perform any kind of authentication when clientsattempt to connect to a server. For that reason, we recommend that youdo not run pvserver on a computing resource that is open to the outsideworld.

ParaView also does not encrypt data sent between the client andserver. If your data is sensitive, please ensure that proper networksecurity measures have been taken. The typical approach is to use anSSH tunnel within your server configuration files using native SSH support(Section 7.5.16).

pvserver can be configured to accept connections from multiple clients at the same time.In this case only one, called the master, can interact with the pipeline.Others clients are only allowed to visualize the data. The Collaboration Panelshares information between connected clients.

If your remote server is accessible from many users, you may want to restrict the access.This can be done with a connect id.If your client does not have the same connect-id as the server you want to connect to,you will be prompted for a connect-id.Then, if you are the master, you can change the connect-id in the Collaboration Panel.

The master client can also disable further connections in the Collaboration Panelso you can work alone, for instance. Once you are ready, you may allow other people to connectto the pvserver to share a visualization. This is the default feature when pvserver isstarted with --multi-clients --disable-further-connections.

Since the data processing pipelines are executing on the server side, all fileI/O also happens on the server side. Hence, the Open File dialog, whenopening a new data file, will browse the file system local to the pvserverexecutable and not the paraview client.

The pvpython executable can be used by itself for visualization of localdata, but it can also act as a client that connects to a remote pvserver.Before creating a pipeline in pvpython, use the Connect function:

Now, when new sources are created, the data produced by the sourceswill reside on the server. In the case of pvpython, all data remains onthe server and images are generated on the server too. Images aresent to the client for display or for saving to the local filesystem.

It is frequently the case that remote computing resources are locatedbehind a network firewall, making it difficult to connect a clientoutside the firewall to a server behind it. 5________ provides a way toset up a reverse connection that reverses the usual clientserver roles when establishing a connection.

To use a remote connection, two steps must be performed. First,in paraview, a new connection must be configured with the connection typeset to reverse. To do this, open the Choose Server Configurationdialog through the File > Connect menu item. Add a newconnection, setting the Name to myhost (reverse)'', and select``Client / Server (reverse connection) for Server Type . ClickConfigure . In the Edit Server Launch Configuration dialog thatcomes up, set the Startup Type to Manual . Save theconfiguration. Next, select this configuration and click Connect .A message window will appear showing that the client is awaiting aconnection from the server.

Second, pvserver must be started with the --reverse-connection(-rc) flag. To tell pvserver the name of the client, setthe --client-host (-ch) command-line argument to thehostname of the machine on which the paraview client is running. Youcan specify a port with the --server-port (-sp)command-line argument.

The only difference with case two, is the resource specification. cdsrs indicates that it is a client-dataserver-renderserver configuration.The first host:port pair is the dataserver while the second one is the render server.

By default the client connects to the server processes. However it is possible to tell the paraview client to wait for the server to connect to it instead.This is called a reverse connection. In such a case the server processes must be started with --reverse-connection or --rc flag.

In many cases, a server cluster may be running multiple pvserver (or pvdataserver/pvrenderserver) processes for different users.In that case we need some level of authentication between the server and the client.This can be achieved (at a very basic level) with the connect-id option.If specified on the command line when starting the server processes (using --connect-id) then the server will allow only that client which reports the same connection id to connect.

Similarly to case twelve and thirteen, we use native ssh support to start areverse connection pvserver process remotely, on amber1, before letting itconnect to ParaView using the hostname of the client on static non-default port.

The only difference with case twelve is in the ressource, which now contain the reverse connectionas well as the usage of $PV_CLIENT_HOST$ in the arguments for the reverse connection,automatically set to the hostname of the client which the server should be able to resolve to an ipto connect to.

We also specify a PortForwarding element in the SSHConfig with a local port to trigger the creation of the SSH tunnel.Finally, $PV_SSH_PF_SERVER_PORT$ variable should be use by the server to connect through the SSH tunnel to the client.

The solution employed by ParaView and other parallel visualization systemsis to use 6___________ . Ghost cells are cells that are held inone process but actually belong to another. To use ghost cells, we firsthave to identify all the neighboring cells in each partition. We then copythese neighboring cells to the partition and mark them as ghost cells, asindicated with the gray colored cells in the following example.

In this example, we see that a single level of ghost cells nearlyreplicates the entire dataset on all processes. We have thus removed anyadvantage we had with parallel processing. Because ghost cells are used sofrequently, random partitioning is not used in ParaView.

7___________ The unit responsible for datareading, filtering, and writing. All of the pipeline objects seen in thepipeline browser are contained in the data server. The data server canbe parallel.

8______ The unit responsible for establishingvisualization. The client controls the object creation, execution, anddestruction in the servers, but does not contain any of the data (thusallowing the servers to scale without bottlenecking on the client). Ifthere is a GUI, that is also in the client. The client is always aserial application. 5376163bf9

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